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Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Law

Millions of people file personal injury lawsuits each year, yet many do not even know the very basic facts about these civil lawsuits. Below are some answers to the most common questions clients ask about personal injury law.

Q: How do I know if I have a case for a personal injury lawsuit?

A: Anyone who has been injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another may have the grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. The best way to know if you have a good case that is worth pursuing is to discuss the matter in detail with a lawyer experienced in dealing with personal injury cases.

Q: How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?

A: In most cases, the lawyer will not charge a fee for the initial visit. During this visit, the lawyer will discuss your case and make a decision about whether or not he thinks you have a good case. If you decide to work together, he will, in most cases, take as his fee a percentage of the amount of the settlement or judgment. This percentage is typically between 33 percent and 40 percent.

If you do not receive any money then you will not have to pay the lawyer anything. It is important to note that most, but not all, personal injury lawyers operate this way.

Q: How do I find the best personal injury lawyer?

A: While the faces and phone numbers of personal injury lawyers are splashed on billboards and television commercials that doesnt mean those lawyers are the best. You only get one shot at winning a personal injury settlement or judgment. For that reason, it is very important to choose your lawyer wisely.

Try to find a lawyer who has experience dealing with your specific type of injury. Ask if he will be bringing in any experts to help the case and find out what other steps he takes to help ensure victory.

Obviously, you want to know his rate of success as well as if he will be personally handling your case or handing it over to another, perhaps less experienced, colleague.

Q: How much can I expect to win in a settlement or judgment?

A: There is no way to answer this question as there are many, many variables that will factor into what the final outcome of your case will be. There is a possibility that you will not get anything. Some states impose limits on how much one can win in most types of personal injury lawsuits while other states have no such limits. The best way to get a ballpark figure about how much you could receive is to discuss it with a personal injury lawyer.

Q: How do I know if I should accept the settlement offer?

A: This can be quite a difficult decision. On one hand, you do not want to accept an offer that is too low. On the other hand, if you refuse an offer and go to trial you may get nothing. Having an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you make this type of decision.

by: Penelope Stone

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