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subject: Organic Cotton Or Bamboo Yoga Pants [print this page]

The world of yoga is and has been at the forefront of being in tune with oneself, and from the yoga pants to the mats the entire realm of the sport involves inner peace and relaxation. Many practicing yogis know that the only way to truly enhance the aura of calm and togetherness completely is to not only practice the routines and poses faithfully but also to dress for yogi success.

There are a lot of different components to clothing for the sport, and yoga pants are some of the most important. There are a lot of different materials that they can be made out of, so it can really seem daunting to try to choose what type of material to go with when it comes time to dress up your workout wardrobe. The most common material is cotton organic cotton, that is. Although many consumers may not realize it, there is actually a big difference between organic cotton and traditionally produced cotton. Conventional means of processing and growing uses tons of chemicals, pesticides and other nasty artificial toxins that stick around for a long time after the yoga pants have been purchased. The wearer actually absorbs those chemicals into his or her body through the skin as the clothing is worn, and this can make people have respiratory problems, skin problems and other reactions as well. Organic cotton may be your best bet if you are looking for new yoga pants that are comfortable, durable and safe.

Another popular fiber that is often used is bamboo. Although many people automatically picture the Asian grass plant, the fibers of this amazing grass make fantastic organic clothing. There are a lot of different qualities that this type of material has for people, and although it has been used in clothing for hundreds of years over in the East, it is just now starting to catch on here in the United States and in Europe. The material that is made of bamboo is very breathable, so even in the hot and humid summers the wearer will stay cooler. In addition, the fibers have an excellent insulating property to them that allows heat to be trapped in there, making the coldest of winters warmer and more comfortable for the person wearing the clothing. Whether you ultimately choose bamboo for your organic attire or you choose natural cotton, you can be sure that you will feel better about how every decision you make impacts the environment, your body and the entire world around you when you put on your yoga pants for routines.

by: Phoenix Delray

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