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subject: Holidays In Egypt - A Guide [print this page]

Holidays In Egypt - A Guide

Egypt has attracted visitors for an extremely long time! The sun shines all the time, there are famous monuments to visit, which has world-renowned treasures, from iconic pyramids to medieval bazaars. Looking beyond the obvious archaeological treasures, you will see a country rich in beautiful surroundings and vibrant in contemporary culture is revealed. Egypt gaurantees an unforgettable experience of history and relaxation - check out the historical sites as well as enjoy the magic sunshine.

Float down the Nile in a oold fashioned Felucca, one of more popular journeys are between Luxor and Aswan, which lasts about 5 days. Check out the tomb of King Tut, discover the majestic Pyramids and take a walk through the bustling streets of Cairo. You could go on a cruise down the Nile and experience Nubian village life. Explore the ancient sites of and explore the most famous of them all, the Great Pyramids of Giza, be shocked by the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids, Check out the interiors via labyrinthine tunnels and staircases.

See the gems of the Nile's West Bank, the vast Theban Necropolis, containing some of the world's most impressive tombs the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens; and Tombs of the Nobles. Highlights include the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and the Tomb of Nefertari, reputed to be the country's most remarkable. Abu Simbel, the magnificent Sun temple of Ramses II, also saved from flooding, Ramses had four gigantic statues of himself built in order to intimidate travellers entering Egypt from the rest of Africa.

Escape to an oasis, take that yoga course you all ways wanted to do, dive in the red sea, Egypt offers some of the world's best scuba diving with superb visibility, countless varieties of hard and soft coral. The Red Sea has an abundant and diverse fish life including various types of grouper, stingray, parrotfish, angelfish, butterfly fish and turtles. This is a perfect place for snorkelling.

Taste the Egyptian cuisine which combines many of the best traditions of Middle Eastern cooking, with local specialities such as foul (bean dishes), stuffed vine leaves, roast pigeon, grilled aubergines and kebabs. Get a kick start after your meal with kahwa (strong, thick coffee) or go for the more refreshing shay bil na'na' (mint tea).

Some of the main attractions are: Pyramids, The Sphinx, Luxor, Aswan, Elephantine Island, Felucca sailing trip, Valley of the Kings, Cairo, Nubian villages, Feluccas, Valley of the Kings, Deir el Medina temple, Roman catacombs, desert camping, Diving, Yoga retreat.

Copyright (c) 2009

by: Jez Rourke

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