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subject: Working With Gay Yoga [print this page]

Yoga is a form of exercise, a discipline, and a lifestyle. It has its roots in Vedic India and is actually a school of seven different disciplines for training one's mind and body to be as pure as possible. In India there are still practitioners of all forms of yoga, but in the West the most popular style of yoga is based on physical poses, or flowing yoga. This yoga is used primarily for fitness purposes, but until like other forms of exercise it also concentrates on mental relaxation and is a low-impact exercise that is good for people of all ages and physical levels. On that note, yoga is also a very personal form of exercise even though it most often done in group classes. Because of this, many efforts have been made to make yoga classes feel as comfortable as possible. For instance, classes might be geared toward people of a similar community such as yoga for women, prenatal yoga, or even gay yoga classes.

From the moment that you walk into a yoga class, you should feel comfortable. Instead of worrying what the other students or the instructor are thinking about you and your fitness level, you should be clearing your mind in preparation for the task ahead. The atmosphere of the studio is important for this.

The room should be welcoming, and usually will have soft lighting and maybe even soft music playing at the before the session begins. The floor should also be both supportive and cushioned so you don't have to worry about straining your joints as you go through your poses. A good yoga instructor will also be someone who can put you at ease both before and during the session.

The studio room itself is generally neutrally furnished and even the floor is designed to give you the comfort and support that you will need to sustain complicated poses without injuring your joints. Even during your first few classes, a good yoga instructor will make you feel welcome and at ease. He or she should also be able to motivate you to try your hardest without stress.

The structure of a yoga class is also designed to reduce your stress level. When you first start you will engage in breathing exercises should help you to clear your mind.

If you are doing a Pilates combination class, you will do those exercises toward the tail end of the classes when you are fully warm and ready to push yourself up to the next level.

Then again you will engage in a cool down session and some more breathing and mediation exercises before you go on your way.

All yoga is designed to energize your body and relax your mind. No matter where you do it or who you do it with, if you come in with the right mindset you should get the most from your class that you can. Of course, specialized yoga classes, such as gay yoga, can also help.

by: Howie Holben

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