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subject: Craft Activities You Can Do With Your Kids [print this page]

Craft Activities You Can Do With Your Kids

Are your kids climbing the walls this summer? Before you resort to unlimited TV and video games, consider taking a few hours a week to do some crafts with your kids. You will be teaching them skills, keeping them busy, and helping them enjoy their free time by accomplishing something. In this article, you will find some great craft ideas for grade school age kids (age 5-12). You can try these ideas out on a rainy day, on a lazy summer morning, or you can set a scheduled crafting hour each week. Consider inviting over a few of your child's friends to make it a fun group craft hour.

Craft Projects for Grade School Age Kids

1-Make a chalkboard with your child. You can buy one pre made and finish it up by painting the frame together, or start from scratch. If you want to keep the project to an hour or less, it's pretty easy to find a chalk board pre-made in just about any size, from tiny to large, in most wood arts and crafts stores. You can finish the frame with acrylic paint, stickers, stamps, and stencils. If you are making a blackboard from scratch, you'll need masonite board, blackboard paint, paintbrushes, and a wooden frame or trim, if wanted. It's pretty simple painting the masonite with the blackboard paint; just make sure you and your kids get the paint on evenly using smooth strokes. Once the paint is dry, you can glue or nail the frame or trim around the edges of the blackboard. For a shiny surface, you can paint on a layer of sealant after the blackboard paint has dried. Now it's time to break open the chalk and color!

2-Do beadwork. You can buy pre-painted beads made of shell or plastic, or buy unfinished wooden beads and paint your own. Painting you own beads is a fun activity where kids can learn to duplicate patterns and learn to create detail work. If you are painting your own wooden beads, use acrylic paint and clean paintbrushes. Decorate with any type of color and design you would like, and then finish them off by spraying the beads outside with a coat of lacquer paint.

3-Make a birdhouse with your kids. You can find simple patterns for birdhouses online, and then construct them using balsa wood and glue. You can also buy unfinished, pre-made wooden birdhouses from a craft store. You can then decorate and paint these as you would like, then hang them outside in the upper branches of trees and wait for new, feathered friends to arrive.

by: Art Gib

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