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Personal Hygiene Importance

A good hygiene is the key to good health. This is the reason why you should start teaching your children the value of personal cleanliness while they are young. The sooner they become acquainted with good hygiene, the more chances they will have of growing to be healthy individuals. Your hair needs to be well groomed as well. It should not be a distraction at anytime. Long hair can come in the way of performing an activity and can be unhygienic for the patient. If you have long hair it is best to keep them tied up while at work. You should wear clean uniforms to work every day. A spare uniform should be in your locker in case of an emergency.

Brush your teeth at least three times a day or very after meal. Oral hygiene can be a crucial aspect of maintaining over-all health. Obviously you do not want to get humiliated over plaques and tooth decays or even get laughed at for having bad breath. Before these problems develop, start brushing your teeth in a regular basis to avoid germ accumulation in your mouth that can injure that integrity of your teeth. It is essential to build up trust with the person that you are responsible for caring. You can talk them through the routine you will be setting up for their daily care and hygiene, the first few times. This will help them to know what to expect and may help them relax a bit. Most elders are reluctant to let someone else administer their personal hygiene. It gives them a sense of being dependent and having lost their dignity.

In the process of doing all these things, many things ranging from tiny particles of dirt of different types to invisible germs come in contact with the finger nails. Health workers, like doctors and nurses, veterinerarians, butchers, garbage cleaners make use of their fingernails. These professionals are usually aware of the importance of maintaining good hands and fingernails hygiene and therefore less susceptible to fingernail borne disease than the general public, who don't care. Personal hygiene issues don't have to have a negative affect on your relationships if you begin some common, everyday routines such as brushing and flossing, showering, wearing deodorant, etc. These simple things can have an amazingly positive effect on your relationships for two reasons. First, it will stop others from shying away from you due to hygiene.

A lack of proper hygiene is common among those who are depressed as they no longer have the willpower, nor the desire to look presentable. Those with other chronic forms of mental illness such as schizophrenia, certain phobias, or Alzheimer's disease might also have poor hygiene as they might not be able to grasp the concept of proper hygiene.
Personal Hygiene Importance

Personal Hygiene Importance

By: allen shawn

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