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Aika Online Campaign Updates And Events

Rainy season!
Rainy season!

The local weather forecast week sometimes 12 points every Tuesday in Tokyo, according to the number of fine mark the week ending last Tuesday of the previous week, special effects (Blessing of Geovanni doubled the gain experience, earn Honor Points times and 2) apply to all nations in the war game channel.

Level rises of 40 ran

From 29 until June 08, at level 1 all-state two-channel general will get double experience points when defeating a monster to Elta 40.The package will receive the item arrives from a certain level every clown Catarina.

MEDAL OF WAR all-time strategy

WAR PVP steroids to win a medal to get? Even more magical power of gold!

29 days from June 15, when the probability of defeat certain enemies more than 46 state-level characters in each nation's wars WAR Channel earn a medal.WAR item will appear at random using a variety of medals.


if you are the game fan,i think you can search some aika gold to improve you game can save your time in some dull process'

One in 50 are free! Campaign

"NET CASH" Hanbittokoin to charge at one person will be free to incredible 50.2000HC charge per item BOX campaign is being held simultaneously present.

Deddorichaji : 12M ran into the enemies within a radius of 931 4M damage to the enemy within. 20 speed 06 seconds, 5, reduces the critical resistance.

Batoruinsutikuto:30% range attack damage to reduce skills and increase the critical value 1.

Masutaobusodo:The enemy's physical defense by 50 percent of all attacks ignore. 30% critical damage increase upon activation. While invoking the appropriate skills, MP suspend automatic recovery is to reduce the 7 mana per second. MP will be automatically removed when there are no relevant skills.

Arcadia:1316 6M radius damage sacred to the enemy momentarily, to remove one of skill enhancement. Reduce resistance to holy magic for 20 seconds. The Devil and Undead 150% damage.

Judge:12 physical attack power, increase the critical value 1.

Inmotarufeisu:60 seconds, his HP increase up to 2515. Limit the number increased to recover HP.

Difekutovijon:Be aimed at the enemy's weaknesses, and only twice for two minutes, hitting the target skills and all attacks.

Feitarugado:3 increase the resistance and double attack critical resistance.

Fantomubasuta:Around the target radius of 153 4M additional damage every 12 seconds for 2575 damage to the enemy within. When using skills, increase the critical value of 25.

Prominence:Radius of the enemy fire burning to generate 4M in 1678 to damage the enemy within, the unconscious state for 3 seconds. 553 additional damage when the state recovers faint. The blue flame is the enemy of the state 420 additional magic damage.

Magic Focus:Probability of 04 uninterrupted attacks also skills in magic skills to improve concentration% increase of all skill MP 5% reduction in consumption.

Raitoningusutomu:6M radius of the selected sites to generate a less powerful tornado damage per 884 damage to five times. Significantly reduce the speed in the range of the enemy. Three times to eliminate multiple defensive skills. The enemies of the state has ripped 159 additional magic damage.

Sharpness:Form a barrier around the sacred side of his powerful, absorbing 4194 magical damage up to one minute. The range of 25% absorb magic damage reduce.

Penance:20 maximum amount of recovery of skill casting time takes more than 1 percent increase in second.

Gloria:HP 10M radius fellow in a total of 10 times, once to recover 752. To remove one of the proven skills at the same time weak.

by: kaia

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