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subject: Is Thinking Like A Lawyer The Most Important Thing You Can Do? [print this page]

There's a time and a place for everything and thinking like a lawyer should be reserved for case work or trial matters. When you're dealing with legal marketing, it's time to put away the lawyer hat and put on your businessman hat, because your legal marketing is what drives your business.

Think like a Businessman Instead

As lawyers we're taught to analyze and research and nitpick every little detail to get the results we want. Lawyer advertising is a much more abstract process that involves some creativity, dedication, and in some cases, pure luck.

If you let your lawyer side do the talking with your legal marketing, you're going to constantly be toiling away on a single aspect of your lawyer advertising, frustrated when you're not getting 100% of the results you want, and overanalyzing why things don't work. The businessman should be jumping in here to say that if something's not working, adjust it or try something else.

Don't Try to Force Legal Marketing to Work

Not every type of lawyer advertising works for every attorney's legal marketing plan. Smart businessmen accept defeat when they realize the world of radio ads or YouTube isn't for them and focus their efforts elsewhere. Lawyers are often too tenacious in trying to get something to work for their case, or in this instance, their lawyer advertising.

Some lawyers take another bad mindset and, realizing they are not trained in the business ways of the world, decide they'll just mimic other lawyers and what their lawyer advertising is doing. If it's not working, they go out and buy more bus bench ads or a bigger Yellow Pages space. Again, this is thinking too much like a lawyer, figuring success will be the same for everyone if they all have the same legal marketing process.

How to be a Good Businessman and a Lawyer

You can be a good businessman and a good lawyer at the same time, all it takes is knowing when to wear which hat. Your lawyer hat should be reserved for case work and court appearances, while your businessman hat needs to come out when developing and analyzing your legal marketing. There are also times when you need to think like your client when creating your lawyer advertising pieces - what will capture their attention and make them come to you for more information?

There are many different hats you have to wear when running a successful law firm. Above all, you need to remember that you should look at each part of your practice from the standpoint of more than just a lawyer.

Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Glass

by: Benjamin Glass

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