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subject: Compensation Lawyers Can Get Help From The State [print this page]

There is to be a request from the workmen's compensation division in an attempt to set fees for lawyers handling compensation cases, with the introduction of an appeals board for oversight.

The division, which has been riddled with scandals, makes restitution to individuals who have been injured at work. The department's administrator promised that reform will soon take place.

Currently the department is trying to clear up a mess involving bad doctors and lawyers who have stolen money from both the state and the injured workers.

At least one lawyer, who is also a state senator, has been sentenced to prison because of this issue. The attorney general has more cases to be filed because of this scandal.

One state lawyer calls for a complete overhaul of the workmen's compensation system. The lawyer advocates changing the way in which cases are settled, so that more than one administrator would be responsible.

Also, he calls for a set fee schedule for the participating lawyers. Fees shouldn't be reliant upon how much the worker is awarded.

The lawyers chide each other because they've turned the scandal into a political issue. Of particular interest is one major political party's promise not to exploit the workmen's compensation scandal.

A lawyer has spoken out about how turning this into a political issue will only harm any attempts to rectify the problems and will have a negative effect on employers and employees alike.

The legislature saw proposals for making a fee schedule and review board. Because they claimed they needed a legislative audit before making their decisions, legislators let the proposals die in committee.

Sadly the legislature adjourned before the audit could be released. It has been declared that at the time there was an agreement that these bills where to be held in committee.

The following will cover the list of proposed reforms by one lawyer. Only personal medical records are to be sealed from the public.

This is current policy, created after a newspaper won a suit against the division.

The workers who have won awards will be notified of the amount, and then will be paid directly via check in a regular manner. A professional courtesy is extended to lawyers when they are paid in one lump sum.

The checks will be made out in the name of the worker; the worker must be notified of the settlement amount. This policy is currently in place.

The premiums for workmen's compensation insurance currently being charged employers are being considered by a legislative committee. The means by which compensation is awarded was recently revised by the legislature.

Three doctors now make up a committee to review claims. They will see if the reported injuries were really caused on the job. Doctors do have a hard time serving on this committee because of the time involved.

by: John Chambers

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