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Never Do 3 Things In Web Design

When defining a great site is what it has to offer or that it has something to offer at all. When you create a website, there are certain things you should not do in organize to keep a web design great. Any good web designer knows that a great web design can bring a company to the top in SEO rankings and popularity. What defines a great site? With the good though, always comes the bad and just as a great site design can bring you to the top, a bad one can also take you to the bottom. One that is coordinated, well organized, has valid and strong links, has proper alignment and contains great content. This is a very common mistake people make when designing their site and therefore it is at the top of the list of 3 things you should never do.

1. You should take a look at the information you have provided and determine if it is relevant to the topic at hand and that the content given is going to be useful for the reader. When people are searching the web, they are looking for something in particular and you want to give it to them. This is really important if you are trying to sell something because nobody likes to go into a store and find that the clerk knows nothing about the product they are selling and cannot provide valid details about it. Web designs do not have a full of useless information. It does absolutely nothing positive for your site if the person just leaves and never returns. If they should stumble upon your site looking for information and find that the information you provide is not helpful, they will just look on and leave it.

2. People generally associate flash images with spam. Pop ups may also create a negative appearance for the visitor. Flash images and pictures can also take a while to load and by the time they do, the visitor has lost interest and moved on. It is ok to have a couple that are spread out but keep them tasteful and small. One thing that tends to be an issue with flash objects is that the browser used by the visitors may not show them properly and then they wind up with a blank square that takes away from the design. Picture books and flashy images should be left for the children. You do not overcrowd your web design with flash images and pictures.

3. You should having a lot of back links is good but only if they are from decent sites and respectable companies. Do not associate your site with a bad company. It is a commonly known saying that you are associated with the company that you keep, and this is true on the Internet as well. Having invalid, unrelated or weak back links will make your site look bad.

If you would not wear a big red flashing button on your suit to work, then you shouldn't do it on the web either. You should think of your web design as your online alter ego and imagine what type of appearance you wish to portray for yourself.

Never Do 3 Things In Web Design

By: Aya Wilkinson

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