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The Wordpress Plug-ins of Choice for Online Businesses

Ok, so quickly - Wordpress is a blogging platform that is called a Content Management System. Many internet marketers don't think about using Wordpress because it has been billed as a content management system for bloggers. That's really no longer believed by many because Wordpress has more than proven itself as a worthy component of any IM business. What's been discovered by so many is the insane level of customization that can be done with Wordpress. So of course you will just use different plugins, and widgets, to customize your blog however you envision. There's an entire marketing world available to you with Wordpress. To prove it, here are some of the most popular plug-ins among internet marketers who use Wordpress.

One you do not want to ever leave home without is the Google XML Sitemap. There are not many that are must-haves, but this one is absolutely one of them. This is a background type of tool, and it will help Google have a better idea of what your site is about which will help you. It's recommended that you rebuild yoru sitemap, instructions are with the plugin, after you have new content added to your site. Manual sitemap creation can become a bit tedious and require some time. But whenever you update your blog, the sitemap plugin will automatically update itself.

The Wordpress Mobile Pack plugin is used to configure your site for viewing in mobile browsers. Of course it's always good to market your site in as many ways as possible. An interesting option with this plugin is users can view a site, on their phones, in the usual pc browser format, or the regular mobile browser display. This is a feature that people may respond to because they can use whatever is comfortable for them. They'll have the choice of what best suits their preferences.

This plugin, SEO Smart Links, will SEO your links so the search engines will like them. You make your settings, in the plugin itself, so it knows what expressions and phrases you want your site to be known for. Then the plugin will find the instances of those phrases and create links to the same words on other pages. You can set it to link to any posts, tagged words, categories, or pages.

Millions of bloggers and marketers have discovered how powerful and versatile this platform really is. And it seems the numbers of IM marketers using it only get bigger every day. Perhaps there are those who believe Wordpress is just for the casual blogger. But that's just the wrong impression.

What ever your goals, you can figure out a way to get it done with this platform. How ever you care for it to perform for you, it's possible when you see the vast array of available plugins.

The Wordpress Plug-ins of Choice for Online Businesses

By: Arnulfo Harrell

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