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Three Easy Steps To Online Security

We're now so used to having technology in or lives, that we often forget to consider that all our private data can easily be reached by hackers. The truth is, there are thousands of people out there just waiting for you to let your guard down, so they can access you personal information.

The questions is, how do you maintain your online lifestyle while keeping hackers away? You can easily protect yourself from data theft using these three simple guidelines:

1) Learn to Recognize Phishing E-Mails

"Phishing" the the act of disguising emails and communications to make it appear as if it's coming from a reputable source. Most PayPal users are already bombarded with hundreds of fake emails that appear to be official PayPal ones.

If you notice closely however, the site is a fake PayPal look-alike, and it's there solely to capture your login info. Nothing can stop a hacker from wreaking havoc once he has your password.

Please don't click on the links in the email. Open your browser and type in the site address directly instead.

2) Always Backup All Your Data

I've lost all my data once, and it was horrible. Not more than twelve months later, it happened all over again. Most people will never back up their data, and all it takes for them to lose everything is a hard disk failure.

External disk drives that you can use to backup your information is pretty cheap nowadays.Just a simple and inexpensive step that works. There are also a lot of online backup programs available.

No matter which method you follow, just make sure you backup every once in a while.

3) Never Use The Same Password for Everything

If you're using the same password to access everything online, you're making a big mistake. All a hacker need to do is find out that "universal" password, and he'll have access to all you personal data.

Creating a unique password for everything is extremely important. By doing that, you make it difficult for hackers to simply guess your login information based on one or two sites.

Using a password manager software to create and manage unique passwords for each website you visit is still the best option. A good password manager should allow multiple ways to access your passwords, not just via your computer.

There you go - three easy but important things to do to make sure your online data is protected and readily available.

by: Gobala Krishnan

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