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subject: Choosing A Small Cooling Fan For Summer [print this page]

Choosing A Small Cooling Fan For Summer

Summer is here in some part of the world anyway, it is getting hotter. The current economic is bad and everyone is trying to cut their bills, so it is not feasible to switch on the air conditioning 24/7. But the heat was so unbearable, what can you do to cool your room down while not costing you a bomb? A small desk fan is the one you need for this hot summer.

A small desk fan is cheap, probably costing you less than $30 and it eat up very little electricity. So you dont have to worry turning it on 24 hours everyday! There are a lot of design and selection available on the internet. But I highly recommend a small desk fan for better cooling. Personal portable fan is good when you are traveling around the town, but dont expect it to cool you down very much. And also most personal fan require to hold it on hand while pointing directly at your face to see the effect which is quite tiresome.

If you are looking for a small desk fan, search through they have some very nice small fan available. Make sure you read the reviews before making any decision. Some of them are made of soft material so small kids wont accidentally cut their fingers. Even those that are made of plastic have cover to protect it, so it is quite safe. Most of them are small enough to place on your desk near where you site so you get enough air directly at you. They look like a normal fan with 2 or 3 speed control, just smaller in size and it is extremely light weight and portable.

Beside the normal standing desk fan, you might be interested in wall mounted or clip on fan. Clip on fan is good when you dont have a suitable flat area to place your fan, you can just clip it on the bed frame or even on the side of table to save space. I know my desk are always full of thing, so I prefer a clip on fan as it doesnt take up any space on my table. It is a very cool design you should consider when buying a small fan .

by: Larry F

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