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subject: 9th In Series: How To Get Paid Taking Surveys And Other Creative Online Jobs [print this page]

9th In Series: How To Get Paid Taking Surveys And Other Creative Online Jobs

Though most people want to, not everyone is lucky enough to work from home. 20 years ago it was almost unheard of to work from home. Those who had the opportunity to do so were in middle to upper management positions and still had to report to the office several days per week. The job market certainly has changed. Now those who work from home are freelancers or consultants. If you have an office job, you report to the office. Even fewer workers have the opportunity to work part time at the office and part time at home. It's up to the employee to choose freelance work or steady office work.

I started doing freelance work to supplement my income when I was a young, single mother. I started out doing online surveys and branched out to many other fields. My first online survey paid me $5 10 years ago. I can't remember how long it took me exactly, but I do remember it was under 20 minutes. At the time, I was working at a bar and was making $6.25 per hour. I worked hard for the money too. When I figured out I could get paid for surveys, and make three times the amount I made at my bar job per hour doing that, I jumped on the chance. Taking surveys is far from the only opportunity out there, but if you are interested in that type of work, check out

1) If you are the creative type, you can come up with creative domain names for company's websites at Coming up with domain names isn't always easy, but there are a few guidelines to making it easier. First, find out a little about the company. What do they do or sell? Find out what the top keywords are for the company's services or products. Try to include one or two keywords into the domain name. Be sure that .net, .org and .com domain names are all available. You are now ready to sell the domain name!

2) If you can draw, you can market cartoons to websites or graphic designers. There are lots of instructional videos on YouTube and other sites to learn how to do graphic design and also to learn how to draw cartoons. Even children can do this type of work.

3) Become a link-builder. Link building is a type of advertizing through blog comments. It's not spamming, but it is marketing. To explain this better, pretend a flouriest hires you to do 100 links. You would go to blogs pertaining to flowers and read their blog. Next, create a name for yourself that is a popular keyword, like Red Roses. You would put the company's website in for the URL and enter the company's email in the appropriate box. Finally, you would leave a relevant comment about that blogs content and about the company you are marketing for. Click on submit and you have just created a back link. It takes a very creative mind and a patient person that can stay focused to do it, but its good money.

Look for the 10th in the series about how to get paid to take and other creative online jobs.

by: get paid to try

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