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Facebook Fan Pages - A Must For Businesses

Author: Terry Green

It used to be that a website was all a business needed to have an Internet presence. Not anymore. While a website is still an important feature of promoting your business, it is no longer enough. To reach your customers, you must go where your customers are: Web 2.0 or the social web. The social web has become an essential part of a successful marketing plan.

Facebook is the leader of the pack in the social media arena. According to TechCrunch in November 2008, more than one in five people who used the Internet visited Facebook. The growth of Facebook has increased ever since, and likewise, has become essential for business marketing. This new style of customer contact requires implementing new and innovative ideas when it comes to marketing.

Facebook is a great way to keep up with friends and family, but you don't necessarily want your customers seeing the baby pictures your mom posted. Both large and small businesses should take care to present a well defined and controlled image of their products and services. Facebook fan pages are an excellent way for businesses to do this.

What's the difference between a personal Facebook page and a fan page? Personal Facebook pages allow you to connect with family and friends and to share information about yourself. Fan pages have many of the same features as personal pages. You still share articles, photos, videos and applications, but the fan page is organized around a theme, and the content on your fan page is related to your business.

Strategies for making your fan page a success

Make your fan page a resource

Think about your customers' interests. What information do they need? What would they be interested in? Post articles and links to useful information on your wall. Your fan page is an opportunity to showcase yourself as an expert. Provide these things for your customers and they will return to your page again and again.


Interact with customers. Make use of all the Facebook tools. Respond to comments. If you have a large product line, consider listing a sampling of your products. Your fan page should be an introduction to your products, which would then send interested prospects to visit your website. Spamming is always a bad idea, but targeting offers to customers who show interest can lead to increased customer loyalty.

Be human

Pictures and personal information put a face on a company. As long as you present an image that enhances your business, personalize your fan page to get followers.

Be present

Fill out your profile completely. Keep article, photo and video content current. It's not enough to throw up a page and be done with it. You must maintain it and keep it active. Make sure to respond to customers who become fans. Create a group for your business. You can also participate in groups related to your business.

Be innovative

Facebook moves fast. Don't be afraid to try the latest thing. Explore webinars and other interactive media as options to improve business relationships.

Creating a Facebook fan page is a great first step in implementing social media into your marketing plan. Be sure to provide links from your website to your fan page. Make sure to connect your Facebook fan page to other social media so your network will grow. In no time your fan page will be the central hub of your successful online marketing campaign.About the Author:

In business since 1991, owner, Terry L. Green is a Certified Master Virtual Assistant with more than 30 years of combined administrative support experience in both the corporate world and as the owner of a successful Virtual Assistance practice. Originally an office-based secretarial and resume business serving local clients only in a small, rural village in Central Ohio, Fastype is now a multi-VA practice with a team of qualified associates specializing in supporting professional speakers, consultants, info-marketers and coaches worldwide. Our clients span the globe from across the United States to as far away as New Zealand, Antigua, Singapore and now Sweden! For more information, visit Terry's website at Subscribe to Speak Up and Make Money and receive 13 speaking tips from the "Best of the Best!"

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