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subject: The Secret To A Successful Small Business [print this page]

The Secret To A Successful Small Business

When most people think of a successful business, they think of a great product or service. It's true that having one of the two helps a lot, but ultimately that's not what's going to determine your success. There are countless examples in the business world of companies that have failed in spite of great products while others have become giants with average products marketed with ruthless efficiency.

So when someone's thinking of launching a business, while it's important to take care of the other aspects (great product or service, financing, analyzing the competition, and so on), it's paramount that time and money be spent to create a stellar marketing plan. Large companies allocate a significant amount of money to their marketing plans. Small companies don't usually have so many resources and have to make use of different, more creative marketing techniques. In that regard, making use of the potential of the internet can be extremely beneficial.

Although the rise of spam has taken a serious bite out of its power, email marketing still packs quite a punch. The trick is that as a business, you have to go to great lengths to engage with customers by using other forms of marketing, and then use this as a way to get them to sign up to receive email notifications from you. And even once that's done, don't just email them to offer them deals. Every now and then, GIVE them something that doesn't require a purchase, but that is not too costly for you to produce.

One of the newest forms of marketing is mobile web marketing. At the beginning, this was accomplished primarily via text messaging. But now with the advent of smartphones (such as the iPhone, G1, MyTouch, and BlackBerry) that can access the Internet and are location-aware, advertisers are only beginning to tap into the potential of mobile web advertising. It's possible to list your business location so that it can be found when people who have such phones are in your area and looking for the products and/or services you provide.

Another form of traffic that can bring in significant traffic is pay per click. This is generally a form of marketing that small companies are wary of, and this fear is not totally without justification. If you don't know what you're doing (and the process takes somewhat of a learning curve), you can spend a lot of money very quickly, without seeing much in the way of results. But once you do get the hand of it, pay per click can be one of the best (and quickest) ways to target exactly the people that you're looking for.

The secret to harness the power of these marketing techniques is to find out how to combine them in the most effective way. Due to the fact that each product and/or service, as well as each market requires a different combination, it's your mission, as a business owner to try and test different strategies so you can find out which one will work better. Sometimes the most obvious combination is not what will work best, and you might be surprised at what triggers the most positive reactions.

Trial and error is by no means a foolproof way to establish a marketing plan. But at the same time, it's an excellent starting point, and also offers the advantage of putting a number of things to the test of the market. Before the launch of your business, taking the time to plan everything and evaluate marketing techniques is an effective way to increase the chances of a successful launch for your business.

A successful small business starts with a marketing strategy that effectively reaches your target market and brings you the most qualified and most profitable customers. This will ensure that your business is generating enough money for you to further hone your strategies and parlay your small business into a veritable success story.

by: Bradley Dawson

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