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subject: Dfg Ec1000 Spiral Coil Binding Machine Review [print this page]

If you or your small business or organization are looking for a low expense way to bind documents in the spiral coil style, the DGF EC1000 is probably one of the options you have come across. Because it it the only machine on near this price range to include a spiral coil inserter, the EC1000 is definitely one that you should give serious consideration to. Here we will take a look at the EC1000 binding machine and give you some of what we consider to be its strengths and weaknesses.


1.) Of all the things to like about this machine, the best might be the price. As the least expensive coil binder that features a coil inserter on the market, the Ecoil EC1000 gives businesses that are on a tight budget, but don't want to do their inserting by hand, a great option.

2.) The punching capacity of twenty five pages is impressive, but the user who does so might have to be a strong one. Most individuals will find however, that the can easily punch fifteen to twenty pages at a time, which is a very good punching capacity, and very much in line with the Ecoil EC1000's competition.

3.) As previously mentioned, the Ecoil EC1000 comes with a coil inserter. You will be hard pressed to find another coil binding machine in this price range that includes this feature. As an extra feature, the inserter can be engaged by use of a foot pedal, leaving both hands free to hold the document.

4.) At this price, you may also expect a lot of plastic on the Ecoil EC1000. You would be wrong. The Ecoil EC1000 is made of metal, and should provide most medium-duty users with years of binding without needing maintenance or replacement.

5. We also thought that including crimping pliers was a nice touch. Crimping pliers are crucial to the process, allowing you to crimp the ends of the wires so they stay in place on the document. These specialized pliers would sell on their own for about thirty dollars.


1.) The most glaring weakness on the EC1000 is that it does not have disengageable punching dies. This means that you are pretty much married to punching letter sized (11 inch) documents, if you want the ends to be clean an free of incomplete holes. If you are going to need to punch documents of other than letter size on a regular basis, you might want to take a look at the PC200E or any one of the several other machines on the market with disengageable dies.

2.) Well built as it is, it is not suited for high volume use. We found the handle a bit difficult and underpowered. The foot pedal is on the small size and doesn't feel especially rugged or durable. These are not big issues of you plan on using the EC1000 to bind a few dozen small books in an average week, but if you have bigger jobs in mind, you may want to seek out another machine.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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