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subject: Media Traffic Meltdown Review [print this page]

The creators of the program declare that the program was born of necessity, as Google Adwords unexplainedly and abruptly ended terminated their account, for no apparent reason. As the product creators were in fact affiliate marketers, one can assume that like many of us, google handed down the affiliate slap,when they decided they no longer wished to provide an easy process for marketers to send traffic to an affiliate squeeze or sales page, and necessity of course became the mother of invention. What they found, was that google is not the only player in the paid search game, as only 6% of internet traffic is accounted for by google search, leaving a wide open playing field in which to replace the traffic, in paid media venues. My feeling is that Soren, Cindy, et al, have merely scratched the surface with this presentation, but there is ample material here, with which to derive a successful media marketing campaign. Why not end the torture of waiting for the other google shoe to fall, or the grind required of traditional SEO based methods, and get the traffic you need, here, now, with Media Traffic Meltdown.

Media Traffic Meltdown Review

By: EliKen

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