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subject: Mona Vie Acai Fraud Review [print this page]

During our Mona Vie Acai Fraud Review we have learned a lot and would like to take a moment and discuss our findings. This seems to be an interesting way to promote health and maybe make some money at the same time. While we have found no reason to consider this fraudulent, we would like to offer a few words of caution for the newbie in this system.

1) The program seems to be a multi level marketing with up to 5 levels. The payment is coming from your down line in your pyramid and the sales you make of the juice product. We are not saying that the MLM structure is a bad one in general, in fact these can be very profitable when you work at it. Just remember that the benefits go up as you reach the top and it takes a lot of work and time to make there. You can do well if you put in the time and effort.

2) Acai berries have been shown to contain antioxidants, so this is a product that many customers are seeking out. The will play into your favor. There are a lot of claims that the berry elixir will promote health for cardio and joints. The juice here is a combination of many (19) different fruits with a lot of the ingredients being really good for you.

3) The real benefit is how much you (and your customers) will be using the product. You are able to purchase 4, 26 oz bottles a month at between $30 and $40 a bottle. That can add up very quickly and be profitable for you as well as beneficial to the customers' health. The opportunity to have high sales could be here.

While we have found nothing to indicate fraud in the Mona Vie Acai Fraud Review, we have not chosen to participate in the opportunity. We have found that the product selection is not as important as knowing how to succeed in internet marketing. We have found that if you understand how to drive traffic to your site, you will do well with any product or home based system. We have found a better solution to our marketing needs.

Mona Vie Acai Fraud Review

By: Sam Traffanstedt

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