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Five Misconceptions About Hypnotherapy Treatment

For a lot of people hypnotherapy treatment has done wonders. It is therefore a great pity that misconceptions continue to surround this healing option. It is because of certain mistaken beliefs that a lot of individuals have chosen to avoid this kind of therapy. Here are the top five myths that need to be corrected.

#1- Someone else can control you while under therapy.

This therapeutic option notably involves hypnosis. Naturally, because of stage shows and popular television programs, people tend to imagine that hypnotism completely eliminates a person's willpower. Nothing can be further from the truth. The process involves putting a person in an altered state of consciousness. This however, only means getting in touch with the subconscious. The person under therapy remains in control and can choose to do or say what he wants at any time.

#2- Only people with weak minds can be hypnotized.

It is true that a hypnotherapy session is easier to perform when the individual is more willing to listen to suggestion or is easily susceptible to inputs. This does not imply however that one has to be weak-minded or extremely meek to be hypnotized. The opposite is actually true. One needs to have a strong mind and a high ability to concentrate for the process to be successful. It is not weak-mindedness that is required of a person but a true willingness to participate.

#3- Hypnotists have special mental powers.

In fictional accounts, hypnotists usually posses super powers or magical abilities. In reality, trained specialists in different fields who are ordinary human beings can perform the procedure. These include therapists, medical doctors and psychologists. To be able to facilitate hypnotherapy treatment, these experts need to know how to use the right scripts, cues and techniques. These may include such elements as suggestive language, visualization prompts, symbolism and storytelling.

#4- Only people with psychological problems can benefit from hypnotism.

It is a common idea that only people with deep psychological issues should undergo this kind of therapy. On the contrary, some specialists specifically avoid this approach if a subject is known to suffer from extreme depression or psychosis. Hypnosis as a healing technique is best for concerns that involve correcting habits, behavior, attitudes and beliefs. This can therefore work well for those who want to stop such habits as smoking and compulsive eating. Therapists can also use hypnotherapy treatment for such concerns as anxiety, asthma and insomnia.

#5- Anyone can be helped by hypnosis therapy.

It is true that the procedure is generally safe because it is a natural process. As mentioned though, any person considering this option needs to show genuine willingness to truly benefit from it. This means keeping an open mind and deciding to give full cooperation. The process may still fail in people who say they are willing but who continue to secretly harbor negative beliefs about this therapeutic procedure.

These are only some of the major myths surrounding hypnosis as used by qualified therapists. It is obvious from these major misconceptions though that you really don't have much to fear about during a hypnotherapy session. It might just give you the right path to solving your life issues.

by: Jimmy Cox

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