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subject: No Cost Business Startup: It Is Possible And You Can Be A Business Owner Tomorrow! [print this page]

The Internet has made it very possible to start a business with no start up costs. Depending on the work you choose and the things you have around your home, you could be a business owner by tomorrow! Many people make the transition into working from home each day and the quickest way to do this is by starting your own business and working for yourself. There are two things you will need though, in order to start a business with no cost to you.

The first thing you need to do is research freelance work. Freelance work can be done under your own name, so there is no need for the extra cost of registering a business name. Also, because you are providing a service and not a product there is no need to collect sales tax from your clients. As a freelance worker you can pretty much anything. You can be a writer, a photographer, a virtual assistant, and even a graphic artist. There are countless freelance jobs available and they are just waiting for someone like you to take them.

The second thing you'll need to have on hand in order to complete your business startup is a computer and Internet access. You should also have any other equipment you need to complete the job. As long as you have these things at your home already your starting your business won't cost you an additional dime. There are numerous freelance bidding websites online that allow you to bid on the projects you would like to work on.

Freelance work gives offers you more than just a business with no startup costs, it gives you the freedom you need to take back control of your life. You can work anywhere you want and on whatever project you want. You can work as much or as little as you'd like. Freelance work give you complete control over your work life, your personal life, and your finances.

by: Judy Wellham

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