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Learning Online the only way to go

Juggling work and life can be an act challenging the greatest of performers as they try to keep scheduled meetings, deadlines and children's sporting commitments spinning. But, throw study into the arena and balls often start to fall.

The first liberation for those who wanted to further their education, while already executing a balancing act on the high wire of life's circus, was the introduction of the concept of distance learning. This allowed students to meet their various obligations and, at the end of the day or the week, attend to the course material that arrived in the mail. The reading was done, the assignments completed and the work returned for marking before the large brown envelope was delivered.

Then came the idea of self-paced study which removed the pressure of "due by dates" and allowed students to complete their courses within time frames dictated by other forces in their lives.

Thousands of students achieved diplomas and degrees through these means. Sometimes they would visit the training institution for a "residential" or a "workshop" and sometimes they participated in study groups with like others in their local area but often the course was completed in isolation with tutor contact being accomplished by telephone or mail.

The arrival of the internet has opened an even more liberating way for people to gain qualifications or to simply expand their skill sets, and there is an increasing trend for people to use the many self-paced training courses available. Amongst these the most obvious type of training to lend itself to distance learning via the internet is the raft of IT courses being offered.

The difficulty for students looking to invest in a self-paced learning regimen, to acquire IT skills and qualifications, is finding the best institute. If one is looking to gain a qualification that will be recognised throughout Australia, it is vital to ensure that the courses are recognised and authorised by the organisations that developed the technology. It is also important that the institute will support the student's goals, has the flexibility to fit with the diversity of the student's other life demands and will provide the personal support that the student will need to stay on track and achieve certification. is a subsidiary of Appcon, who have been helping organisations design and roll out adult learning in Australia for nearly 20 years and can claim several Australian universities amongst its clients.'s online training has also received several awards, including Best IT Content' awarded by by eLearning! magazine for the last four years. These factors are indicative of an organisation that is more than able to provide appropriate training and support for the self-pacing IT student. offers certification training designed for people looking to start or advance their career in IT. Courses are approved by Microsoft and Cisco and cover a range of certifications in Networking, Systems Administration and Design, Database Administration, Security, and Programming.

Learning Online the only way to go

By: Lance Goodman

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