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subject: Why Men And Women Seek Relationships In Their Lives? [print this page]

Being secure with a partner can provide comfort and affection at the same time. A relationship is a unique bond between two people that have a clear goal in mind - love. Love drives a healthy relationship through the commitment that two people share. If you're wondering what makes a relationship work, you can find out 4 popular reasons why. These reasons are the foundations that make people have relationships. Learning these reasons can give you a clear idea on appreciating your relationship more.

Reason 1 - Self-Fulfillment

People go into relationships because they want to fulfill their own selves. Although this may seem to be a paradox, the truth behind this is that some people have relationships because they find qualities that their partner has that complement their own. This mutual benefit between partners helps establish a foundation of interdependency. The relationship will be a healthy way of looking to each other for support. In that way, the people involved in the relationship fulfills each other. This ultimately gives them the confidence of fulfilling their own self.

Reason 2 - Security

When you're in a relationship, you will really appreciate the fact that you have someone to depend on for security and comfort. Security is another reason why people have relationships because it provides the couple with safety to grow with one another. These forms of security can be emotional and even financial security. This is also the strongest and most delicate reason why people depend on each other. You have to face the fact that people may abuse this comfort in their relationships, but it still remains a strong foundation.

Reason 3 - Adventure

People want to have relationships because it welcomes a thrilling experience. Relationships allow you to share your experiences and even perform your wildest dreams with someone you trust and love. Adventure simply means to enjoy life with the person you love. Adventure instills confidence in couples and this can give meaning that makes a sturdy foundation for a relationship.

Reason 4 - Confidante

Wouldn't you like it if you can share your thoughts and emotions with someone who understands you? People engage in relationships because they have a trusted confidante that listens to them. The beauty of this being in a relationship is that both partners share their deepest thoughts and philosophies. This form of communication really opens up a gateway of opportunities of developing the relationship better. It makes way for understanding your partner's thoughts.

Self-fulfillment, security, adventure, or confidante may be four reasons why people have relationships with their benefits and promises. A relationship deserves effort and these driving forces can enrich you with that urge to develop and grow with your partner.

by: Michael C. Miller

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