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subject: Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer [print this page]

Esophageal cancer is the malignant change in the cells present in the lining of the esophagus. The tumors of esophageal cancer often invade the submucosa layer of connective tissue and then the muscular layer of the organs. This type of cancer can be caused by many of the following reasons listed below. The researchers have identified several risk factors for the disease. A risk factor is the one which increases the chances of development of the disease.

Age is the main risk factor for the esophageal cancer and the disease after the age of 50. Nearly half of the people affected by this disease are above 70. Men are more prone to the disease and are affected 3 times more than the females. Race and gender are also the main cause for the disease. It also occurs due to heredity and more likely in people who have close relatives with cancer.

Smoking is another significant risk factor for esophageal cancer. When the tobacco smoke is inhaled, damage is caused to the esophageal cell's DNA and thus it increases the risk. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases or doubles the risk. Consumption of excessive amount of alcohol for a long term is also another major risk factor for esophageal cancer. The persons who are drinkers are smokers as well. Thus the risk factor is increased due to the combination of both.

GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) is also a risk factor for this disease. According to the researchers, nearly 30% of the patients affected by esophageal cancer are linked to GERD. The condition called Barrett's esophagus also increases the risk for esophageal cancer. It is a condition which causes acid reflux in the lower esophagus. It increases the risk due to chronic irritation of the mucosal lining of the esophagus. People with this Barrett's esophagus condition are 50 times more likely to develop esophageal cancer.

Being obese or over weight is another risk factor for many diseases including the esophageal cancer. It is because that obesity increases the risk of adenocarcinoma four fold. It is also suspected that increased acid reflux may also be the reason for this problem. From research it is found that obese men with esophageal cancer are 50% more likely to die from this disease.

Lye is one of the corrosive agents and it is found in the house hold drain cleaners. By swallowing the strong alkaline (lye) or acids corrosive injury is caused to the esophagus. Every year many patients especially children accidentally ingest these cleaners. Nearly 40 years later, the people who ingest these chemicals are affected by esophageal cancer and this is linked with lye ingestion.

The other risk factors may include thermal injury as a result of drinking hot beverages, particular dietary substances such as nitrosamine, conditions such as achalasia (a defect caused in allowing the food to pass through the esophagus and thus retaining the food in lower esophagus), tylosis (a rare genetic disease), Human Pappilomavirus (HPV) infection, Helicobacter pylori infection (associated with peptic ulcer and gastritis), Plummer-Vinson syndrome (esophageal webbing and anemia), prior history of other head and neck cancers etc.

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here

Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer

By: Ian Eallard

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