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subject: Tourbillon-A Combination of Art and Accuracy [print this page]

Tourbillon-A Combination of Art and Accuracy

Tourbillion is a watch speed controlling device invented by Swiss watch master, Louis Breguet in 1795. It is designed to correct the error of clockwork caused by the force of gravity. It stands for the highest level of mechanical watch manufacturing engineering and enjoys a high reputation among watch fans.

There are three stages in the development of Tourbillion technique which is known as Tourbillion, Flying Tourbillion and Mystery Tourbillion. As the progress of the techniques, Tourbillion mechanism is becoming lighter, more stable and more mysterious.

The creativity of Tourbillion lies in that the escapement speed controlling devices are installed within a carriage and the carriage makes 360-degree spinning around the axis. The continuous rotation can minimize the impact caused by the gravity to the escapement of mechanical watches. As a result of this, the accuracy of the mechanical watch will be improved. The escapement is fixed, so position changes of the watch will result in uneven distribution of force on different escapement parts. But when the escapement makes continuous 360-degree spinning, the orientation errors of different escapement parts will be neutralized and eliminated. The ideal rotation speed of Tourbillion is 360 degrees per minute. There is no doubt that the watch with Tourbillion is extremely accurate.

This principle of Tourbillion seems very simple, while the realization of it is rather complicated. One reason is that the weight of carriage and Tourbillion is not more than 0.3 grams or 0.013 ounces - the equivalent of a swan feather's weight or the weight of two pieces of parrot feathers. Another reason is that it is composed of 72 fine components, most of which are made by hand. Because of its unique operation mode, Tourbillion fully displayed the dynamic art of mechanical watch. The watch with Tourbillion technique is acknowledged as "king of watches".Tourbillion is a combination of art and accuracy.

Tourbillon-A Combination of Art and Accuracy

By: Edward A. Larkin

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