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Flying With Kids

I remember when I first started to fly. I wasn't afraid or sick like most little kids, just excited. My excitement deflated as fast as a balloon as the flight dragged on, and on, and on, until I threw such a big fit that I'm sure my parents wondered what had ever possessed them to bring me along. Since my parents travel quite a bit, they quickly developed several tricks to keep me entertained and happy through the long plane rides. If you have kids and plan on traveling in the near future these tips will greatly enhance your travel experience. Don't learn your lesson the hard way.

One thing I still remember, and greatly miss, was the presents I got on long plane rides. Nothing can light up a child's face like the prospect of presents. The magic of the sparkling, shiny wrapping paper, and the tingling excitement of receiving a new toy, craft, or puzzle, can be enough to keep a child quite for hours. While it may seem like a way to raise spoiled children, when it come to flying, a parent will do what a parent has got to do to keep children under control. If you've flown before with little kids you know what I'm talking about. Presents are one of the greatest tools for parents looking to keep children quiet or entertained. You can doll out presents based on your child's behavior, or you can do it on a time basis, whatever works best for you.

Another thing you can do to keep your kids entertained is to make sure they bring things that will keep them occupied for long periods of time. Things like books, Legos, and coloring materials are lifesavers. If your children are old enough to be in charge of their own carry on bags and you have several kids close in age, delegate one bag to be the community carry on and put all the kids' toys and activities in there. That way, you only one carry on goes under the seat, instead of one for each kid. The rest of the bags can be put in the storage bins overhead and will give everyone more room.

High-sugar drinks should be avoided during long trips. As exciting as "free" Coke and Sprite may sound, it won't be worth it to have hyper kids bouncing off the walls of the plane for the rest of the flight. Stick with water or juice, and try not to let your kids have candy or other super sweet things.
Flying With Kids

If you want to be comfortable, make sure everyone is wearing pants, unless you are going to the Bahamas. The temperature of planes habitually seems to be set to accommodate a polar bear. If you don't want to be cold make sure you bring a jacket, hoody, or request a blanket from the stewardess before take off. When it comes to comfort, warmth isn't the only thing your kids will need. For some younger children, leaving behind their favorite doll, pet, or toy can be a traumatic experience. You may find yourself trying to assure them that Dolly and Tiger are just fine back home. One thing that will help make them believe you is if you have a home security system. Yet a home security system will not only help them stop worrying about their toys, but it can help you stop worrying too, and give you a more relaxing travel experience.

by: Erin Walker

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