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Outsourcing For Home Based Business

In a previous segment I talked about the importance of having leverage as a business owner and making sure that youre maximizing the amount of leverage that you build into your business. By leverage I mean people, systems and anything that gets work done in your business that you do not have to do.

Back to the principle of working on your business and not in your business. I want to talk in detail about particular aspect of that and that aspect is the importance of outsourcing in your business and outsourcing specifically is when you have hired someone for a fee to handle something in your business that you do not have to do.

The things about it is that whenever you are building a business, I talk about in the past making sure that you are focusing on being the visionary and a project manager as opposed to someone thats being involved in a lot of the day to day tasks.

Because if youre going to build a business where all you do is be involved in your day to day operation of business, you may as well stay on a job because at least on a job you can afford to get sick and get paid.

In a business you want to make sure that you are leveraging yourself and leveraging your efforts as much as possible.

When I talk about outsourcing, a lot of people including myself at one time kind of cringe at the thought of outsourcing things to be done because in their mind, especially if theyre in the beginning of their business where its not generating a large amount of revenue, you may be thinking How can I possibly afford to outsource and hire someone in a business thats not making a lot of money right now.

What I would like to do to kind of shift your thinking around that. First of all, outsourcing can be done very cheaply through resources like,, You can find people who will give you services at a rate that you will be surprised about just how affordable it is for that person to give that service to you.

I always say just start out with one thing. Pick the thing in your business that you just dont like doing or thats the most tedious thing and just find somebody at a reasonable price. Even sometimes you can recruit college students or Ive heard of millionaires that have gone to high school computer clubs and been able to recruit kids that came and got paid a very affordable wage going through work for them.

Theres a lot of resources that you can look into to find outsourcing, but I would say find the number one thing in your business that you think is important to be done on a regular basis but you just dont like doing it or it takes up a lot of time and invest a small portion of the money that youll make in outsourcing that one thing.

I promise you that the time that you will free up in your own schedule will help you to not only pay for that person but make even more money. My mindset around outsourcing was shifted when I watched a good friend of mine be apprehensive about hiring a salesperson to go out into the field to sell for her business because she didnt want to have to leave the house anymore.

She was really apprehensive about spending the amount that she had to spend on that person being involved in her business but when she found out, I think the first month that she outsourced, that task of going out into the field and meeting with her customers in person, the person not only paid for what she was paying them but made about three or four times that in her very first month and her income goes up every month. Why?

Because as a business owner and the person thats driving the vision of the company, shes able to focus on new ways to bring in revenue or to strengthen the revenue streams that she already has as opposed to doing the daily tasks of going out into the field and seeing customers.

So, outsourcing is one of the powerful things that you can do in your business. If youre not doing it, I dont care what business youre in, do it today. Pick that number one thing that you dont like to do, that takes up a lot of your time and find someone affordable.

Go to, go to Craigslist, go to, contact colleges and high schools in your area and find out if they have clubs and people that already have these skills that you can pay a fair wage and go get these things done for you.

You will be amazed at how much more fun you have in your business, how much freed up you are in your business and how much more money you make as well.

by: multimilliondollarmindset

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