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Mentors For Home Based Business

So, in the past youve heard me talk about how important it is that you invest in yourself. Today I want to talk about the importance of being able to discern who to invest with. Thats your time and your money.

Mentors. I want to talk about mentors and just how important having not just one but many mentors to teach you different aspects of what youre trying to accomplish is so critical to being able to really be successful.

In fact, one of the reasons or philosophies that I really took to heart in putting together The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset is the importance of mentors and the fact that most people just have not had access to some of the kinds of mentors that Ive been able to have in my life.

I wanted to be able to create a product in the system that was able to give you and other people like you access to some of the same people who have really been instrumental in building my own mindset.

One thing that I learned a long time ago was that whenever you take someones advice, you are also saying that you want to have their results. You want their life.

So, you really need to pay attention to whose advice youre taking, who you may be looking to work with or be mentored up under because theres a lot of people in your life youll come across who will want you to follow them and want you to allow them to mentor you that really arent qualified to do that.

The only thing that qualifies someone to be a mentor is that they already have had to accomplish whatever it is that you are trying to obtain. Once again when youre taking advice, youre taking those results.

It always kind of makes me laugh now but almost every job Ive ever had from corporate America on back to McDonalds days in high school, I always had a decent number of bosses.

Not all of them, but I would say definitely 60% or 70% of them would probably have described me as someone that was not easy to manage.

When I look back on that, it really had a lot to do with me not having someone to see in front of me who I really felt had personal power that was worth me following in that way. Once again I was always taught that if I was going to follow someone that was basically me buying into what they had.

When I think of the prospect of listening to a boss who may make two or three dollars more than me, probably even less than you do, as opposed to a mentor who makes ten times what I make in a year, in a month, thats a big difference in who you should be listening to. So I would really advise you to make sure that you are seeking out people who have been there and done that.

Ive provided ten great ones for you in The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset, but in your own journey you search out for those mentors whove accomplished what youre after as well and make sure you are taking advice from those people and not those who are not getting the results that you want. This is not just in business; its in any aspect of life.

Whether its in your marriage, you would never talk to someone who was never in a relationship about your relationship and you would never listen to someone who never has money talk about how to make money.

So, you want to make sure that you are finding mentors who have accomplished what youre after and that will cut your learning curve and increase your chances of success by leaps and bounds.

by: multimilliondollarmindset

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