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subject: Test Your Marketing Brochure Yourself [print this page]

Test Your Marketing Brochure Yourself

Do you not have that professional marketing team to test the effect of your brochure? Why not do some tests on your print brochures yourself? It is easy! I will teach you how.

Just read the list of steps below on how to test your brochure printing output. This should cover all the investigative steps in determining the good and bad elements and the actions you can take to further improve it. So let us get started!

1.Initial comparison with others The first thing you have to do to test your own custom brochures is to compare it with others that it might have competition with. You can just try to acquire those by going around your market area, or you can also look at some related outputs online.

Once you have those other brochures, try to see how it compares to yours. Is your copy very different or is it just the same? What makes your copy stand out from the others? What are the good things and bad things about each of them including yours? After answering all these questions, you should have a better idea about the status of your printing output.

2.Getting the basic opinion/reaction After comparing with other color brochures, the next step is to get the basic opinion and reaction about them. Try to ask your friends, family and other colleagues about it. Ask them what their opinion is, their initial reaction and their overall impression about your marketing material. See exactly what attracts them to it or conversely what they abhor about it as well. This should give you a great qualitative impression about your design and message approach. Take note of all these reactions so that you can fix the failings and improve the strengths of it as well.

3.Experimenting with different approaches With all the initial comparison and reaction data done, the next step in testing is the actual experimentation of different approaches to your printing. The first thing to experiment with should be your message. You should try to compose several message approaches that your initial research indicates that more people will like. Test out three and then get reactions from it as well. You should be able to get a good impression on what people are really looking for with this experiment.

4.Experimenting with different designs Next, you should experiment with different designs. The designs should be both noticeable initially and memorable for a long time. Therefore, you should test out these two factors by developing several great designs and testing them out with people. Ask a group what design attracted them first, and then ask a very different group what is the most memorable. By combining the major characteristics of both, you should be able to get the best design that you can adopt.

5.Forming a plan of action So with all that data gathering and experimentation, you should now be well aware of how your copy is, its room for improvement as well as what you need to add to make them more effective. Integrate all that you have learned into one coherent design, but make sure that you keep to your goals for your brochure printing when designing. With an informed plan of action, it should be easy for you to get great color brochures.

Great! I hope that now that you know how to test your brochures yourself, you can find success in marketing. Good Luck!

by: Kaye Z. Marks

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