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Which Approach Fits You? Guided Tours Vs Traveling Independently

Traveling around the world can be a pretty intimidating thing to plan. Independent travel and guided tour travel both have their perks, but it's important to plan your vacation according to how you want to experience it. Traveling internationally means everyone in your family will need a passport. Get a kid's passport if you have a little one.

Now let's get back to the decision to take a guided tour or to go it alone. There are many different types of 'guided' tours for you to choose from when planning your vacation and it is important to investigate the pros and cons of each. Guided assistance can be very helpful when traveling to a foreign country where you many not even speak the language. It can also be worry and trouble free to let someone else make all the reservations and plan the itinerary. A tour company can insure that you don't miss a famous or historic site particular to the area you are visiting. It's also good to check into the different levels of arrangement you can purchase. There are companies that will simply arrange for travel and accommodations while others provide a complete service including travel, accommodations, dining and site-seeing.

It's important to remember that if you decide to do it all yourself, not only travel to the country will be your responsibility but also travel within that country. Bus and train schedules can be difficult to navigate in a foreign country but independence also provides freedom so if you don't like keeping to any schedule while on vacation, independent site-seeing will probably be the best bet for you. You see, a quick new passport is just a click away on your computer so be sure you get your passport in your hand before you start making your plans.

Let's talk about some of the pros and cons of taking a guided tour. Some of the problems can involve inflexibility of travel dates. Large tour companies select time periods that accommodate the majority of travelers but if you prefer to travel on the off season, you will have greater flexibility if you make the reservations yourself. Once you arrive at your vacation destination, a guided tour provides a strict timetable for site-seeing and if too much has been scheduled, you may find yourself exhausted rather than refreshed after your vacation. The positive reasons to use a guided tour company are numerous. Frequent visits to the same areas create an expertise that one visit independently simply can't provide. Guess work concerning accommodations and dining is totally removed and a tour company's experience will insure trouble free vacationing. Some also provide time periods for independent exploration or multiple choices for excursions.
Which Approach Fits You? Guided Tours Vs Traveling Independently

Independent travel also has its pros and cons. Obviously, one of the requirements of traveling without a tour guide is having to plan everything yourself. However, many see this supposed downfall as a pro. Being completely in control of your schedule allows for total freedom, meaning you can decide exactly what you want to do and when you want to do it. You also get a whole different kind of cultural experience. Seeing things for yourself and exploring your way give you a more intimate view of your destination. This can go the other way though. Sometimes, without a helpful tourist guide to steer you clear, you end up at the basic, super crowded tourist locations.

by: Ben Pate

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