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Home Based Business - Find Your Micro Niche To Explode Your Home Business


Finding your micro niche is the key to any successful home based business. It will unlock opportunities that you never thought existed before so we should start by defining what it is and how to find the right one for you?

Essentially a niche is just a very specialised area of industry. For example, a musician would be very general but a piano teacher would be a niche. You can always drill down further to start to find what are called micro niches. So in this example you might be a piano teacher for children between the age of 5-10. You can go even further by specialising in your local area.

Key Criteria For A Micro Niche Home Based Business

To find your own micro niche you can simply follow the formula below:

1. Pick your industry

2. Choose a specific area inside that industry

3. Limit it to a certain age range

4. Refine it to a specific geographical location

Providing you follow the above steps you will have found a micro niche in your industry

Niche Vs Standard Business Model

Ok so you've found your niche but you're wondering why this would be better than a standard business model right? I mean, surely you're limiting your audience which is going to make it even harder to succeed.

Well before we address this let's look at the benefits of starting a home based business in a micro niche. Firstly, the more specialised you get in any industry the more money you can make by selling your services. Secondly, it becomes easier to sell your services too because you are perceived as an authority in that industry. So let's now look at how to market your micro niche to success.

Marketing Your Micro Niche To Explode Your Home Based Business

The answer to this lies in the power of the Internet. Many years ago it would have been very hard to start a successful business as a fitness coach who only works with people between the ages of 25-40 in the London area but today this home based business model is totally achievable.

Through the Internet you are able to get a huge marketing reach from your own home and find new clients that you would never have located before. The reason for this is because you are able to achieve highly targeted marketing at very little cost and many of these techniques I teach for FREE at my website below.

So providing you have followed all the above steps you should have all the ingredients to setup your own home based business in any industry you like.


Home Based Business - Find Your Micro Niche To Explode Your Home Business

By: Wilford Horton

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