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subject: Selling Mlm Products Online [print this page]

Selling MLM products on the internet can be extremely enjoyable and rewarding. The key to success is learning how to both market yourself and your products in an effective manner. With a great product and well executed strategy, there is no reason you cannot enjoy great success in your online multi level marketing business.

In the world of network marketing there are many great products available to consumers. Everything from health supplements to telecommunications service is being bought and sold through network marketing companies. It only makes sense that the owner of a network marketing business would want to connect those great products with enthusiastic buyers using the internet.

Successfully selling MLM products online requires counter intuitive thinking. Most marketers believe that if they will place advertisements about their products in as many places as they can, they will achieve profitable results. Sadly, this could not be further from the truth. It is critical to understand that a person must generally see a marketing message a minimum of seven times prior to making a purchasing decision. If you are just advertising your product or service, your message has to be the one that is being viewed, when it is time to make their buying decision. In reality, this is a high risk, low probability strategy for product sales.

It is better that the network marketing professional focus on personal branding. When you consider that there are literally thousands MLM distributors who are marketing the same exact product or service as you, it only makes sense that you need to distinguish yourself from everyone else. For example, Wal-Mart doesn't advertise product, but instead they advertise "roll back prices." People shop at Wal-Mart, because they are looking to make their money go farther. In the same way, you need to set yourself apart from the competition. You are the real product that is being marketed.

We all understand that buyers prefer to make their purchases from people they know and trust. Your marketing efforts should focus on getting acquainted with your target audience and fostering trust with that audience through relationship building. This way when the buying decision is made, you are the natural choice to fulfill that purchase decision.

This process is best accomplished through personal branding activities. It is important that you be seen as a resource in the niche of your network marketing product line. This can easily be done through consistent delivery of valuable information through such avenues as social media, blogs and article submissions. As people find value in your content, they will naturally want to know more about you and additional information you are able to provide to them. As a natural outflow of this ongoing interaction, you will be making product recommendations that meet the needs of your target market. It is at this point that you introduce your products and their benefits. Since you have become a trusted resource ot the buyer, this is no longer viewed as a selling pitch for network marketing products, but simply a natural part of an ongoing conversation.

Selling MLM products over the internet can be one of the most effective method of product sales when approached correctly.

by: Carl Willis

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