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subject: Online Ninja Training - The Number One Reason Why You Can't Get The Training You Need [print this page]

Online Ninja Training - The Number One Reason Why You Can't Get The Training You Need

Are you serious about learning ninjutsu - the art of Japan's ancient Ninja warriors? In an age where you can get almost anything, including online ninja training, and the fact that you don't have to live near a teacher to learn many aspects of this art, students are still having trouble getting started.

This article exposes the main reason that you can't seem to get started on the path to mastery.

Warning! This article is not for the timid, weak, or those full of $&!% It is for serious students who need this key to get the training they need!

Every day, I receive tons of emails, letters, and phone calls from prospective students supposedly wanting to become modern-day ninja masters. And, even after I give them suggestions for starting, many of them just come up with more reasons why they can't!

The truth is that, if the art of the Ninja depended on this mentality, rather than the principles of endurance, perseverance, and "finding the way," this powerful martial art would have been destroyed before it ever had a chance to get started!

Are there reasons why it might be difficult to get this martial art?

Of course. In fact some of them include:

1) No ninja dojo close to your home

2) Training costs money that you don't have

3) The demands of work and family

4) Physical limitations and handicaps

5) etc.

However, the real reason that anyone can't get the training that they want is this...

They hide behind the reasons as excuses! The fact is that, I have yet to meet anyone, including every one of my students who did not have to deal with any or all of the reasons I just listed. And yet...

They're training. They did what every Ninja does... They find a way to make it happen!

And they do it because that is the type of person they are. They recognize that they have impediments and limitations that are between themselves and their goal but, instead of making excuses and holding those reasons out as shields and proof that they are weak, victims of circumstance, or incapable of getting what they want out of life...

They figure out how to get what they need.

I have personally turned away students who were broke and didn't have a dime - people who thought that, with the right story that I would give away these secrets for free - only to see them go out and fix that part of their lives so that they COULD train.

They didn't hate me for it. They realized that if they wanted this badly enough, they were going to have to change their lives and their circumstances so that they could.

And, now that they got the training, they realized that this is what the art of the Ninja is all about. They realized that I wasn't being mean - that I was living the lessons and requiring that they did as well...

...even before they became a student!

by: Jeffrey Miller

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