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subject: Dropshipping: The One Thing You Must Remember If You Want To Sell Online [print this page]

Dropshipping: The One Thing You Must Remember If You Want To Sell Online

Customers of online stores never get to see or touch the things they buy. Obvious, yes, but a fact often forgotten by store owners who concentrate, sometimes obsessively, on perfecting the home page of their site, forgetting that sales are usually made on the product pages.

If your store follows the drop shipping model, you will have received descriptions and pictures of your products to add to your web site.

In some cases these will be extensive and you may even consider cutting them down.


One of the most important things you can learn about your e-commerce store is how to add products in bulk. This will allow you to add, 10s, 100's even thousands of products at one time. But, if you do have a huge number of products, it is unlikely that you will be able to give each product page the attention it deserves.

The pictures and descriptions supplied by your drop shipper should always be regarded as a starting point, not as an end.

For this reason you will want to learn how to update your webstore with the latest product information from your supplier without overwriting changes you have made to the description.

This can usually be done quite simply, you just need to find out what the procedure is for your e-commerce platform.

Product descriptions are very important because as a web store owner you get an opportunity that the owner of a brick and mortar store does not. Rather than simply displaying the object to be sold, you get the opportunity to list its features as well as the benefits associated with them.

You get a chance to show the product in use, to discuss different purposes for it and to explore all the possible variations of size, power, texture, color etc.

You get a chance to deal with all the objections a customer may have to buying even before those objections are thought of.

This is one reason why some people now prefer to shop online, it's much easier to get the information you need in order to decide whether to purchase, but there is still the need to show the product as clearly as possible.

Include pictures of the front and rear, top and bottom, inside and outside if at all possible. Some people do impulse buy. Others value extensive information. Try to cater to both.

Search engines also value extensive information, especially if it is original. The text on your product pages should always be used to inform the customer and not stuffed with key words for search engine consumption.

Google's algorithms are complex as well as mysterious, the inclusion of words related to the topic of the page appear to be able to increase the pages ranking.

Remember that the home page of a site is something a customer may actually never see. You have no way to control how they enter your pages, so don't get obsessed with just one.

The pages that matter are those that sell, so while it is quite possible for a bad home page to repel a customer, it is usually the product page which makes the sale. Always make the most of the information your drop shipper supplies.

by: Kirsty Hale

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