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Star Trek Online / Preview

The first to do the job the consequences were the developers of Perpetual Entertainment, which, after an unconvincing project Star Trek Online, not only had to give the ball

back to Cryptic Studios, but had also shut its study early

The passing of the torch was greeted with enthusiasm because the talented guys of Cryptic Studios are considered among the best developers of MMORPG. In their productions can

include titles such as City of Heroes and City of Villains, game-winning and critically acclaimed, and the development of the much Champions Online. The Cryptic Studios are

working hard to project Star Trek Online, and already the first results seem to be very interesting.

The history of Star Trek Online is set in 2409, some thirty years after the events in the penultimate film released in theaters, Star Trek: Nemesis. The Klingons and the

Federation are at loggerheads again and for you and your crew decide to support any faction, it will certainly quiet times.

Star Trek Online will allow you to just be a captain of a spaceship with his loyal team composed entirely of PNG, which will increase the level and acquire better equipment -

just like your character.

Staying on the topic, much attention has been editor for the creation of characters, which is designed similarly to what has been seen in City of Heroes. The first thing you

will be asked to choose the kind of membership: Vulcans, Boliani, Human, Trill,> BajoraniAndoriani Tellarites and will all be (hereinafter, through future upgrades will be made

available the Klingons and Romulans.

Being captain does not bind you absolutely by choice can also have some specialty directing the growth of your character to professions such as pilot, doctor, engineer or

scientist, each with specific characteristics. Throughout the game, however, you can improve skills that you have not chosen professions.

The gameplay, as declared by the executive producer of Cryptic Studios, Craig Zinkievich, will be divided into three sections: on board of the spaceship, battles between

spacecraft and missions on the surfaces of different planets in the universe of Star Trek.

The battles between spaceships in PvP, but also those between stellar fleet, and will be very frequent mode of approach inspired by the fighting between galleons: the spacecraft

of Star Trek Online that you will not be driving the fast X-Wing Star Wars but huge space vehicles, slow but deadly!

The fight will not be based acrobatic maneuvers, said Zinkievich but on positioning strategies, the exploitation of its potential by type of vessel approached and support that

you give your fleet (your allies online).

When not immersed in the fighting star, you can manage the ship and crew. The ship will have several areas on which you can access: the bridge, the recreation area, the

infirmary, the engine room, all the places you've seen the show will be presented again in Star Trek Online. Crew members will be recruited in various ways without the

constraints of race and to better deal with the missions and battles, you should also think of them grow in level.

There will also be an economic part, where you can share resources that you will find touring the area with other players. For this there will be a special system of trade that

will make Galactic economic management of Star Trek Online well-articulated and never boring.

Great emphasis was also placed to the stages of exploration and the search for lost civilizations. When you visit a planet, you can get on it with the crew through the famous

teleportation and address a variety of missions, ranging from seeking many objects to real fighting. In this case, during the visits on the planets, the view of the player will

be in third person.

The Cryptic Studios argue that the phases of combat wink MMORPGs more action: you have to wait, then, skirmishes based laser, although it remains unclear how they are managed

and what action will weight pure. Zinkievich would point out that Star Trek Online will always have this well-structured and episodic and that the work will not be addressed

solely in the creation of the Star Trek and online gameplay, but there will be a constant update of missions and solar systems this will be so frequent that often the players

will have the opportunity to be the first to explore an area of the galaxy.

Star Trek Online, with these conditions could lead the MMORPG on another level and become a "must have" not only for fans of the series, but for every fan of online games!

by: stocredits

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