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The Magic of Mind Mapping for Kids

We can tell there is a difference between the two sides of the brain and the people they are attached to just by talking maps. There are the people that give directions by saying things like, "Go North on Vine Street and then right on Main Street." Other people will say, "Take this road to the McDonald's and go left and then at the second stoplight go right." Or another example is some people write the directions. Some people have to draw a map.

Decorating financial reports and presentations with interactive maps will catch the attention of readers and they will read the report with a new interest. Glamor increases sales and this is evident from the glossy advertisements of many established brands.

Imagine you are sitting in your living room and out of surprise you get a call from a friend (not so close) telling you that he's gotten the student visa and now he's going to study abroad for higher education. With despair you start to envy his plans and happy ending of his academic career and curse your fate not being so lucky like your friend and to be in Pakistan for the rest of the years. These same stories you might heard every while from your neibhourhood or one among friends that young people are leaving Pakistan for higher education and degree. Parents and other family members of those young people feel privilege that their sons and daughters are guaranteed to have a bright future and unbelievable job opportunities regardless of thinking that their own nation is facing the draining of young brains in the name of poor, politically trapped and labeled as highly involve in terrorism. Have we ever put our notices to the trend of brain draining which is almost from every part of Pakistan? You Ask most educated Pakistanis today what they want for their future, and you'll find a large number will say: to settle down in America, Canada or UK. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, the literal meaning of brain draining is the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions.Universities in west welcome students from all over the world mentioning their mission that "It is clearly in America's long-term national-security interest to welcome international students to come here to study", said IIE (international institute of education) President Allan Goodman in a statement released with the study. "International students in U.S. classrooms widen the perspectives of their U.S. classmates, contribute to vital research activities, strengthen the local economies in which they live, and build lasting ties between their home countries and the United States." But in reality the propaganda behind is to earn a large amount of money through tuition fee from international student which is four times of what US citizens pay. Not only this but also oversea students have almost no opportunities to work part-time while they are studying (unless through some acquaintance). Because if this is going to be happen it means no money is coming from outside and then their own money is going to be used by non-Americans in those American universities. This is how they can face a huge lose in their economy. Not only this but when these young Pakistanis graduate, they tend to do much better on average financially than even locals. For example, the median income in the late 1970s of Pakistanis was $20,000, which is well above the US national average of $17,000 (as quoted by staff writer). Although American immigration policy since 1965 claims to open up the country's doors to the world's "poor and huddled masses", most of those it accepts as migrants do not fit this bill (Le, 2010). Instead entry to America is only possible when you have heavy bank balance or a most highly educated and professional degree holders like Pakistani professionals. Apart from loosing such a massive manpower, one of the reasons that Pakistan is getting poor is because its youth and professionals have become selfish to move out and migrate those countries which is not their own but gives them a luxurious life.

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The Magic of Mind Mapping for Kids

The term 'ambidexterity' is basically being adept in the use of both right and left hand. Michelangelo, Leonardo Vinci, Einstein, Fleming, Harry Truman, etc., were all ambidextrous. In modern times, you will find many, who were originally left-handed but in the course of their childhood, were drilled to acquire right-handed habits (at school or home) and thus became ambidextrous.

Using the same analogy, we could say we are being ambidextrous when we are multi-tasking - talking over the phone, writing down information, watching TV and so on. The difference is that instead of our hands, we are using both our right and left hemispheres to successfully juggle our tasks. You may have heard some people referred as 'right-brained' or 'left-brained'. In essence it means that the person displays more 'right' or 'left' oriented skills, although we are all the time integrating both hemispheres in our daily activities.

According to Anto Bagic, M.D., a neurologist at the Center for Advanced Brain Magnetic Source Imaging at UPMC in Pittsburgh, who was recently quoted in news reports, the imaging scan allows for thousands of magnetic field samples of brain activity to be recorded every second, which is unlike any other scan. Additionally, when using a combination of the MEG scan with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it will enable neurosurgeons to have a detailed map of the brain allowing them to remove damaged tissues and keep healthy tissue intact.

This is just one brain or neuro-mechanism that lets you learn with less effort while retaining more information, or rather, remember more easily what is stored in your brain. Many more mechanisms can be employed to make learning easy and fun and when you combine these with other methods like speed reading, mind-mapping etc. you or your children become so wildly effective that they make the top of class in almost any subject apart maybe from music or art classes (although even then, when it comes to the more theoretical aspects, they can easily compete, it's just that not everyone can paint like a Rembrandt or play the piano).

Brain entrainment CDs can help you to restructure your brain patterns so that you can tap into your brain's unlimited potential, increasing your creativity level. Neuroscientists now understand how the brains of geniuses operate. Just imagine if you could imprint their brainwave patterns onto your brain, so that it worked in much the same way. You could save decades of brain training with Brain Evolution System and teach your brain to operate at its peak, just like zen monks and yogi masters do. Remarkable!

Some of the cognitive symptoms include impairments regarding perception, communication, reasoning, problem solving, planning, sequencing, lack of motivation, memory problems, inability to initiate activities and often poor judgment.

There is another type of problem lurking in the dark. You may remember your routine, but because Joe doesn't know what you plan to do, he may not realize he has a role to play. Example. You are going to update the database tables during deployment. Well the DBA doesn't know this, so that Friday night he will be bowling. When, in reality, he should be at home executing and verifying a full backup of the database.

Sherry L. Willis, lead author of the study and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania about human development, said those who had the training also reported greater confidence in their ability to solve everyday problems, and this is especially true for the group that arguments are trained. In carrying out the daily tasks that people who received training speed along a handful of follow-up sessions significantly better than those without such training.

Winning the Inner Game of Wealth is the new Brain Training system by John Assaraf and how it works is incredible! The thing that holds 99% of people back from earning the income they want isn't the physical but is their mind.

The brain has the ability to recall many things in detail. For instance, if you are sitting at your desk right now and if you close your eyes, you'll find that you'd be able to find your calculator or pen. Sometimes, unconsciously, you can even find yourself reaching out for such items when you need them unconsciously, while you are consciously thinking of solving a problem or making an important decision.

The Magic of Mind Mapping for Kids

By: Stan Barrett

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