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subject: How To Pick The Right Tax Preparer [print this page]

A tax preparer is a financial professional who has the skills and the ability to prepare and submit tax returns on your behalf. In many cases, the average person will not need a tax preparer because a lot of the details in tax are self explanatory or may need just some little bit of research and consulting with the authorities. However, there are some complex situations, where you might need to hire a tax preparer.

If you currently have one or you are used to getting one, then the process might not be as daunting. However, if this is your first time to hire a preparer, you need to be careful so that you can hire the right person to do the job right. Here are four things that you need to look out for when thinking of hiring a preparer:

Level of Qualification

The first thing that you need to look at when deciding who to hire as your tax preparer is the level of education. You need to hire someone who is educated in tax matters and preferably has a professional qualification under his hat.

Level of Experience

Apart from the educational qualifications of your potential preparer, you also need to take a closer look at the experience of the person that you would like to work with. It is advisable that you go with someone who has experience on tax matters so that he or she can help you avoid the pitfalls the he or she has seen others fall into. If you just hire someone whose only knowledge is that which he gained from an accounting text book, then you are letting someone learn from mistakes that he or she might make on you.


This is another very important factor when it comes to choosing the right tax preparer. You are not looking for someone who is set to bankrupt you. For this reason, you need to look for someone or a company or firm which will provide you with quality and affordable services. However, you should not be so much bent on penny-pinching to the extent that you can agree to any person who comes up with a cheap tag.

The Narrow And The Straight

Stick to those preparers who have reputation of sticking to the right side of the law. Don't get into the temptation of trying to bend the law so as to evade taxes, and any tax preparer who advises you to do the same, is one who will not be so eager to bring to your attention any mistake that you may have done. At the end of the day, shortcuts and prime deals end up being much more expensive than sticking to the straight and narrow road.

All in all, choosing a tax preparer is not rocket science. All you need to do is to use your common sense and make sure that you get someone who is able to do the job and do it right.

by: David de Souza

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