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subject: 3 Toenail Treatment Options to Get Clear Nails [print this page]

Almost daily, thousands of people around the world search the internet in the hopes of finding a toenail treatment that will help them to get rid of ugly, yellow toenails.

Toenail fungus is not generally a life threatening ailment but it can disrupt many parts of your life simply based on its unattractiveness.

One of the key problems in getting rid of toenail fungus is that the treatment can either take a lot of time or a lot of money. Many don't have a ton of money to "waste" on getting clear nails so they often choose the cheaper but more time consuming methods. .

Here are some common toenail treatment remedies:

Laser Toenail Treatment: If speed is important to you, having a laser treatment could be your best choice. They generally take about 45 minutes to an hour for a session, and despite being fairly new, have developed a decent reputation for effectiveness.

The primary drawback to this toenail treatment is definitely the cost. A routine laser treatment will cost you from $1000.00 to $1200 U.S. dollars and unfortunately is not covered by most insurance companies.

Natural Antifungal Products: When picking an effective toenail treatment, a large number of consumers opt to avoid the harsh prescription drugs. There are products on the market like lamisil and others that have been reported to cause liver damage even when used per the instructions.

That's why natural remedies are so popular. One of the proven killers of dermatophytes that cause nail fungus is tea tree oil which can be found in several well known toenail treatment products. Tea tree oil is often combined with other ingredients like undecylenic acid to stop the growth of fungus.

Apple Cider Vinegar: There are always a lot of inquiries for at home natural remedies so this is one of the most common. It is reported that apple cider vinegar has shown the ability to kill some nail fungus. This treatment requires you to soak your nails twice a day for about 30 minutes in a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water.

Opponents of using this formula say that it takes way too much time and few folks have hours per day to soak and dry their feet. Another argument is that it only works on superficial nail fungus and does not kill the majority of cases which grow under the nail's surface.

The key to erasing ugly toenail fungus and growing clear nails is to make sure that you do have nail fungus and not some other ailment. After you have made that confirmation, be diligent in whatever treatment you choose and always make sure to protect yourself from reinfection down the road as nail fungus is very contagious.

Need a toenail treatment that works? Try Zetaclear toenail fungus treatment.

3 Toenail Treatment Options to Get Clear Nails

By: Lynn Flack

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