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subject: Find Coupon Codes Safely To Save Money Online [print this page]

Shopping online has become a way of life for many people. But even experienced online shoppers are sometimes reluctant to make use of money-saving coupon codes because they're afraid of getting ripped off by such things as identity theft. Many online shoppers could be saving hundreds of dollars if they'd learn to how to find store coupons securely.

Here are some of the top tips for how to find coupon codes safely and effectively through Internet websites.

First, never, ever pay to get coupon codes. Never. Ever. Any site that tries to get consumers to give their credit card numbers in order to access online store coupons is not a reputable site. Get off it as fast as possible, and go to a reliable directory such as to get coupon codes for free safely.

Second, even if you should get online codes from a site that doesn't seem on the up-and-up, don't use those discounts. By now, virtually all computer users understand that not all websites are reliable and safe. If the site seems to be shady, it probably is. One way to tell is if the site asks for any personal information, such as a credit card. The typical scenario is that a consumer is offered a really terrific deal for a small fee, so they give the site their credit card info and try to use the coupon codes, only to discover the codes are no good and the bad guys have their credit card info!

Third, don't fall for the online version of the old "bait and switch" tactic. "Bait and switch" is an unethical approach that disreputable stores use to get customers to their sites. They offer big discounts, but when customers arrive, they're told that the advertised product has sold out. The online version of this is when a website offers big-discount coupon codes, but computer users arrive at the site to find out they are asked for personal information, especially email addresses or credit card numbers. Beware of any site that requires users to sign up for something in order to get access to coupon codes or store coupons. Even longtime computer users have fallen for this tactic because it can be very sophisticated. If a site that promises you discount codes doesn't give immediate access to those store coupons, leave that site immediately without doing anything!

Fourth, don't use coupon codes for vendors you've never heard of. While legitimate new vendors go online all the time, criminals also take advantage of the fact that it's so easy to set up a professional-looking website these days. Be very cautious about buying anything from an unknown site, even if it seems like an incredible deal. That's just one of many ways that online crooks trick unwary consumers into revealing their personal information. Shop only with stores you know, or can verify.

Finally, beware of "dumb" sites, that is, website directories that don't have up-to-date information, contact information or links to other stores' sites. These are usually good signs that the coupon site is up to no good. Check for such details as expirations on the coupon codes, latest sales, and especially contact information. Reputable directories offering store coupons want to build relationships with their customers, so they'll make sure they have current information and customer service links.

by: Vikram Kumar

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