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subject: Distance Learning. Disadvantages Of Learning In Online Regime. [print this page]

Distance Learning. Disadvantages Of Learning In Online Regime.

Distance education is based on the opportunity to provide education for those who do not have any possibility to study in class. In fact, this may be explained by numerous reasons, and some people prefer distance education because of numerous reasons. However, if there is only one opportunity for traditional education, it overwhelms these numerous reasons for distance education choice. The fact is that, distance education requires high self-discipline level and the sufficient motivation for effective education. Hence, in order to start learning distantly, a person needs to consider whether he or she will be able to study distantly.

Assessment of Disadvantages

Considering the necessity to learn independently, distance learning is featured with some essential disadvantages:

1.Students lack the sufficient attention of a tutor. Hence, most aspects can not be resolved independently.

2.Some teaching techniques presuppose collective / team work, or learning in a form of game. Distance learning lacks such an opportunity; thus, the effectiveness of educational process may be restricted sufficiently.

3.Distance learning presupposes studying lots of information in online regime. On the one hand, this may be regarded as an advantage; however, few are able to read whales of text information in soft copies. Video or audio lectures are often perceived worse, in comparison with the traditional lectures.

In the light of this statement, the principles of distance education seem shaky, nevertheless, the principles and theoretic basis of this type of learning presuppose effective process, nevertheless, a lot depends on the personal skills and abilities of any human. Consequently, the disadvantages of distance learning may be regarded as advantages by those who dislike close attention of a tutor, working in a team or listening to boring lectures. Instead, they may listen to an audio lecture, where the very essence is offered. Anyway, the effectiveness depends on the self-discipline and motivation of a person.

by: Jordon Casinger

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