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subject: I Am Pregnant And This Is How I Got To Know [print this page]

I Am Pregnant And This Is How I Got To Know

If you are very much tuned into your rhythms of body, you may start to suspect you are pregnant soon after conceiving. But the problem is that most of the women do not experience any early symptoms of pregnancy until the fertilized egg attaches itself to uterine wall, quite a few numbers of days after conception. Others may simply notice no for about weeks and start to wonder Am I really pregnant? only when they miss their period.

Below is a list of some of the first symptoms of impending motherhood. You may experience some, all, or none of these pregnancy symptoms.

1. Food cravings: Sometimes food cravings can be a symptom of pregnancy. However, dont rely on them as sure symptom, but if the cravings are accompanied by some other symptoms on this list, start counting on the days from your last period.

2. Darkening of your aureoles: If the skin around nipples get darker, you may then have conceived successfully, though this may also signal hormone imbalance unrelated to Pregnancy or be leftover effect from previous pregnancy.
I Am Pregnant And This Is How I Got To Know

3. Implantation bleeding or cramping: This is caused by egg burrowing in the endometrial lining. You can also see some spotting around time you expect the period. About 8 days after ovulation, you might experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of brown or pink color and some cramping as well.

4.Implantation bleeding or cramping: This is caused by egg burrowing in the endometrial lining. You can also see some spotting around time you expect the period. About 8 days after ovulation, you might experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of brown or pink color and some cramping as well.

5. Fatigue: Fatigue is, in fact, the main feature of early pregnancy, though most likely not a surefire sign on its own.High levels of hormone progesterone can simply make you feel tired. You will feel as if you have run the marathon when all you have done is put in a day at office.

6. Food cravings: Sometimes food cravings can be a symptom of pregnancy. However, dont rely on them as sure symptom, but if the cravings are accompanied by some other symptoms on this list, start counting on the days from your last period.

7. Darkening of your aureoles: If the skin around nipples get darker, you may then have conceived successfully, though this may also signal hormone imbalance unrelated to Pregnancy or be leftover effect from previous pregnancy.

8. Morning sickness: If you are lucky, morning sickness simply wont hit you until few weeks after conceiving. But you may start feeling queasy and nauseated as early as two days after conception. However, not only morning, pregnancy related nausea could be your problem at morning, night or even noon.

by: sunny

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