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subject: Different Sedation Dentistry Methods That Can Work For You [print this page]

Reality would tell you that there are so many people who cannot simply go to a dentists office and have their dental treatments. You might be one of those who cannot stand to sit on a dentists chair for 5 minutes. If you have this kind of problem, now is the time to stop worrying because sedation dentistry can help you.

Sedation dentistry has become popular today due to the methods employed that would render you oblivious to your surroundings while the dental procedure is being done. There are different methods of sedation dentistry and you can always avail of the one that you feel would suit you best.

One of the well-known methods is using nitrous oxide. This is done by inhaling this sedative through a face mask while you are undergoing treatment. Dentists regulate the amount that you would be inhaling, enough to give you the degree of comfort and relaxation that you need. You would not be feeling any pain with this type of sedation. This is also known as laughing gas.

If you dont want to take notice of every step of the procedure being done, then you can opt for oral conscious sedation. This type of sedation will render you conscious but very drowsy the whole time. You would feel that the time you have spent on the dentists chair was only in minutes, when in fact, you have been sitting there for a number of hours already. This type of sedation dentistry Chicago clinics have would be administered through an oral medication that you have to take an hour before your appointment. Since the effect would last for 24 hours, you would need someone to bring you to the dental office and drive you home afterwards.

Another type of sedation dentistry Chicago clinics have is IV sedation. This is the most convenient way for you if you dont want to remember anything after the procedure. This causes amnesia, which could be very beneficial if you dont want to have any memories of the dentists chair.

Among the top methods used by a Chicago sedation dentist, you can definitely find the one that can suit you. Any of these methods will free you from the pain of the procedure, and will surely grant a more confident you afterwards.

by: Beverly Stultz

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