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subject: How Can I Come To Know If My Child Has Asperger's Syndrome? [print this page]

How Can I Come To Know If My Child Has Asperger's Syndrome?

If you have a kid that has some of the most ordinary symptoms of someone with Asperger syndrome or autism, you may be wondering if there is a true way to tell clinically if your kid really has it, or just shows minor signs. If this is a really new subject to you, I'm sure it is, you might be worried about the causes and effects of Asperger syndrome and if there is anything you could do in order to keep your child from having it get worse.

Firstly let me give you some facts about the history of aspergers syndrome. This situation was originally described as Hands Asperger back in 1944 when a doctor named Hans Asperger started to find individuals who had clinical traits incredibly similar to autism. The biggest dissimilarity between what Hans found and what is happening in our children these days.

In 1994 The American Psychiatric Association added Aspergers syndrome to its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. its not, however, listed under autism. Instead, it is listed under a rather wider broad spectrum in the Pervasive Developmental Disorder section of the manual.

There are many common widely spread characteristics of aspergers syndrome. One of the huge ones is social impairment. A lot of kids might show that they have lack of social skills, they don't prefer to be touched, not even by their parents, they dont thrive in developing friendships like several other kids do, and they do not like any social constructs that are "new".

In other words, if your child has a schedule he or she sticks to every morning and you change something, even something extremely small, they not only notice it, but their moods usually change astronomically!

Another characteristic which a lot of children have is the inability to speak or relay their messages to you directly/correctly. Lots of kids have bad motor ability, delayed speech, or they even tend to frame their own way of talking. This is one of the extremely worst symptoms, I believe.

If your kid stops speaking normal English words and makes up his or her own language with grunts or sign language or stops talking at all, this is about the time which everybody, especially you, realizes that something is wrong. Something isn't exchanging correctly from a neurological standpoint.

Another big symptom refers to sensory experiences or sensitivities. Lots of children with Asperger Syndrome absolutely hate noisy situations or loud things such as horns honking, fire alarms going off, parents fighting, etc.

by: Dave Angel

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