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subject: Long Term Personal Loans :for Convenient Repayment Of Greater Amounts [print this page]

Long term personal loans are provided to the borrowers in keeping with their requirement of financial assistance and also in accordance of their repayment capability. These loans allow you to repay the borrowed amount in a longer duration so that you can reduce the monthly outgo towards the installments of the loan.

These personal loans are given for a longer duration that may range from 5 years to 30 years. This implies that the borrowed amount can be distributed into as many installments as you are comfortable with in keeping with your repayment capability. this also enables you in having more monthly income for other household expenses.

Long term personal loans are generally secured loans. You have to pledge a valued property like home, vehicle or papers for collateral. Depending on value of collateral, you can borrow 5000 to 75000. You can repay the loan in larger duration so that your monthly payment for the installments of the loan can be substantially reduced. Due to collateral, interest rate will be lower. The loan can be used for home improvements, wedding, debt-consolidation, purchasing of a car and many other purposes.

But you can also opt for unsecured personal loans that you can repay in 15 years. Such loans do not involve any pledging of collateral to borrow 3000 to 25000. But interest rate will be higher due to absence of collateral.

If you carry a bad credit history of late payments, defaults and CCJs, you can borrow bad credit long term personal loans at little higher rates, if you can prove your repayment capability.

We advise you to first compare as many long term personal loans as you can so that you are able to find competitive rates. Only such loans are affordable for your circumstances.

by: Joshu Aleonie

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