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subject: Making the decision of starting a business online and working from home [print this page]

Making the decision of starting a business online and working from home

Making the decision of starting a business online and working from home was the third best decision my wife and I have ever made. The first should be obvious, getting married to each other. :) The second was deciding to have children, we have two daughters, Elora's 4 and Annie's 1. You know the third and that was starting a business online and working from home.

The impact of starting a business online and working from home

I never realized to what extent the impact of starting a business online and working from home would have on my family life. As a construction worker, breaking my back 60+hrs a week with 2.5hrs of driving time each day, in what I consider unacceptable traffic. I would only have an hour or so with my children each night on average. I did this for years and was under the impression that I was being a good father, and was doing all that i could, boy was I Wrong. Sure I was Providing for them but they didn't have what they needed most, a father.

It took starting a business online and working from home, well only "working" 6-8hrs, Throughout my day at home, around my family to realize this, I'm forever grateful. I can't imagine what things would have been like had I not decided to start a business online and work from home. I don't even want to think about it because it causes pain. A pain that has since been removed.

On your way to starting a business online and working from home.

Staring a business online and working from home has been fulfilling to say the least, and the way I see it why wouldn't you want to start a business online, honestly. I could list and go over all the reason's why you should, but I can't tell you why you shouldn't, I have no idea. If given everything needed to start a business online and get it off the ground and rolling why anybody would say no thank-you. Yet I do hear it from time to time, and it blows me away every time cause I don't get why they insist on getting up at unruly hrs of the morning to sit in traffic for god knows how long only to be treated in an undeserving manner from a boss that they are probably making a boat load of money for, or do I?

Yes I do, I've been there and I know why. That's why I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way. You do have options, you just need to be presented with them as I was. Well, here you go, all you have to do now is Learn More and you'll be on your way to starting a business online and working from home.

Making the decision of starting a business online and working from home

By: Kelly Marsch

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