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subject: 3 Month Payday Loans : Quick Financial Help For Urgency [print this page]

When you require some cash in the same day but want to repay it as per your circumstances, it is better to opt for 3 month payday loans that ensure a convenient repayment in keeping with your present lean financial position. However, you should take into account other aspects of the loan also for a better deal.

These loans are meant for the employed people who are getting a monthly or bi-weekly paycheque. They can borrow the cash in the same day if they carry a valid bank checking account also. Usually, a post-dated cheque from the borrower is considered as sufficient to ensure timely borrowing of the loan.

3 month payday loans enable you to borrow 100 to 1500 for any urgency like timely payment of a bill, weekend tours, family emergencies, repairing a car and so on. Initially, approval of the loan comes for a very short period of two weeks. You can repay the loan on the next payday. In case, you fail to make the repayment on the due date, just pay back the interest only. Then, you can continue the principal amount for next three months as long as you are paying the interest.

For people having a troubled credit history such as of multiple cases of late payments, defaults and CCJs, these are ideal loan options as the lenders do not make any credit checks on the borrowers.

However, while taking out 3 month payday loans, you should have a close watch on the APR as it is many times higher than any other unsecured loan. On smaller cash, such high interest payment may be burdensome.

Therefore, make sure that you do not stretch the loan for a longer duration. Prefer repaying the cash as early as you can in order to ensure lesser outgo from paycheque. Make sure that you borrow 3 month payday loans after comparison of the lenders to locate competitive rates.

by: Tony Simcox

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