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subject: Do You Have The Feeling Of Worry Because Your Child Is Autistic? What Can Be Done To Resolve It? [print this page]

Do You Have The Feeling Of Worry Because Your Child Is Autistic?  What Can Be Done To Resolve It?

There are many reasons to worry if you have an autistic child. Worry is an uneasy or troubled feeling. It is human nature to be concerned about your child and the challenges that you will be facing and are already facing. What can be done to resolve the worry of your autistic child?

First of all, worry gets you know where and does not solve anything. It is a waste of your time and energy. One thing that can be done when you have an autistic child and you are feeling worried is, find out the facts, what are you worried about and why? Will this change the situation of your autistic child and the circumstances by worrying?

For example: If you are concerned about the physical health of your child, do research to find a doctor who is an expert in that field and one you feel comfortable with. Gather information, get the facts. By taking this kind of action, and knowing the truth, the facts, you will have a better understanding of the choices you need to make. Your cause to be worried, will be in a position that will give you strength because of the knowledge you have gathered.

I have learned with an autistic child, your attitude has a lot to do with living a worry free life. There will always be situations that cause you concern, but you can live above all of it, and enjoy life. It depends on how you want to manage your attitude and thinking, because you have an autistic child.

When you have a positive attitude with your child who has the disorder of autism you will not be defeated. You must stop trying to make things happen the way you want them to happen.

Worrying involves negative thoughts, but when you speak positive things out of your mouth it will interrupt those negative thought patterns. By doing this, you will be able to enjoy your child with autism and feel relaxed.

I believe in faith, because it is stronger than doubt, negativism and unbelief. An autistic child can and will bring you reasons to worry and be concerned. When you become overloaded with all of the challenges you have with your child, you begin to struggle and worry. But, you can control that kind of thinking.

Your mind needs to rest, so do your emotions regarding how to take care of the problems and the subconscious mind, needs to reclaim how you are going to handle the situation in a wise and intelligent manner. For me personally, I pray, which helps me with the stress of worry. It relieves my stress.

Take responsibility for the decisions you need to make raising your child with the disorder of autism. Stop worrying about everything. Determine what you can do and what you can not do. Set priorities with your child and family. Pace yourself and focus. Worry will stop, when you decide not to give into to it.

I have met many parent(s), caregiver(s), who love to worry about every detail of their child with the disorder of autism. It gives them something to talk about, gain attention from people, it gives them a reason to live in the "pity pot" syndrome. It is such a waste of my time to be around those people who continue with that kind of behavior.

Nothing gets accomplished by worrying. Turn your worry into positive energy, positive thoughts, positive research, positive action, and you will find your world will be brighter, happier and positive progress will be made for you with your autistic child.

Remember, when you choose to worry because your child is autistic, even though there will be many concerns and challenges, it will solve nothing. It makes you, your child and family to live in a negative and unproductive atmosphere. Stop worrying, enjoy your child and the problems will be resolved.

by: Bonita Darula

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