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subject: How To Make Teeth Free From Cavities [print this page]

Your general health is usually measured by the quality of your teeth, because if you have healthy teeth it means you are taking care of yourself. A pearly white smile and protection of your mouth and other parts of your body from germs that cause diseases are the benefits that you can get by having a healthy teeth. Cavities and infections in the mouth can cause a range of other ailments such as ear infections and mouth pain that will be troublesome for you. Anything that you eat is going down to your throat and into other organs of the body especially stomach after passing through your mouth. Follow these pointers to maintain that healthy teeth you have like done by a Richmond dentist :

Brush your teeth at least twice a day preferably after you have taken your meals and before you go to bed and use a soft toothbrush. By using a soft toothbrush, it prevents you from developing a receding gum line, but also be sure to brush in small circles. Keep a compact toothbrush and toothpaste in your car or purse so you can brush your teeth if you always dine out or going in some places for extra care to your teeth.

Floss at least every day to ensure that food doesn't deteriorate between your teeth and will cause cavities that can weaken your teeth and have some holes. If you are flossing it's like your massaging your gums which support your teeth, this way it helps good circulation of blood into the area.

Rinse with a mouthwash that contains fluoride or choose toothpaste with fluoride protection. Fluoride fortifies the enamel of your teeth and prevents weak spots, which likely that cavities will form. Avoid eating or drinking anything for the meantime at least 30 minutes after rinsing as much as possible to avoid fluoride from getting washed off from your teeth .

Eat plenty of fruits & veggies provide essential nutrients and foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to have health bones and teeth. Some drinks that contain these minerals are milk, cheese, soy milk and orange juice but often the soy milk and orange juice is fortified with these minerals. If you're not fond of these drinks, you can always take a supplement as an alternative. Because the baby has taken some of its mother's calcium during its development, it's common for pregnant women to get cavities after having a baby so be sure to supply yourself with foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.

Eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and protein in your meals but be cautious with your protein intake, because over-consumption of protein can prevent your body from absorbing calcium. If you find yourself unable to eat a balanced diet because of some reasons; you can take a multi-vitamin instead that contains complete vitamins and minerals. However, natural foods are better than supplements as what your dentist Richmond would recommend.

by: Luisa Flora

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