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Using Promotional Clothing To Market Your Business

The marketing business can be tricky. You need something which is going to captivate the mind and grab attention. There have been many different kinds of innovations to come along over the years which have been used to promote a brand. Few innovations have been able to match the power of promotional clothing. This is because of the value of clothing and the fact that people are always on the search for good knock around clothing. The point is to make sure that the clothes you give away will have more value than just something to wear on laundry day.

Create a Trendy Logo

One of the great ways which you can make sure the promotional clothing you give away will be something people will want to wear is to make sure that there is a recognizable brand logo on the clothing. This logo should be something which you have created in regards to current trends in the marketplace. Furthermore, you should make sure the trend is one that is followed by the demographic you are trying to reach. This will help to make sure that they will wear the promotional clothing to casual functions.

The trendier the logo you create is, the more likely it will be imitated by others on similar types of clothing. Take a little while to make sure that you have nailed down exactly what your clientele holds dear so that you will understand what trends they follow. You will then be able to create promotional clothing which will be in keeping with the style of dress as well as the kinds of logos which will speak to your customer base the most.

Looking Beyond White

Most people when they think of promotional clothing think about a white tee shirt. This can be a mistake seeing as everyone is doing the same thing. You need something which will stand out in a crowd as being uniquely yours. This does not advocate going completely over the top. Do not create a color of tee shirt or any other kind of clothing which will be neon in color just to grab attention. This is a bad idea just because there is no way anyone will wear the clothing. It will also strip credibility from your company.

Instead, think about using one of the strong company colors you use for advertisements and things like that. If your company does not have colors it is associated with, it is time for you to pick some colors. This will help not only for you to grab more of the right kind of attention. This will also help to make sure that when people see the color, they will associate it with your company. The more the colors associate with the values of your core demographic the better. This way you will be able to use them on promotional clothing and you will have a better chance of it being worn.

Logo Event Paraphernalia

Whenever your customer base goes to an event which represents their core values, you will be able to create promotional clothing which will be associated with the event. Simply sponsor the event and create clothing which will have the name of the event and your logo on it. This is a great way to make sure that people will wear your clothing again and again. This is because they will want to remember the event that they went to. All you have to do is send a few representatives with a few cases of free clothing and hand it out.

When your customer base wants to remember the event, they will put on the clothing you gave them and you will get some free advertising. The promotional clothing should be something which is worn by people who attend the particular kind of event. For instance, you can use a visor when you are handing out free stuff at a golfing event. You can also give out baseball hats at a sporting event or logoed sweat bands at a tennis game. This is a time to be creative so make sure that you are giving them something they will not only enjoy wearing, but will be coveted by those who did not get one.

by: Chris J. Carpenter

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