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subject: Loans By Text Prompt Access To Cash Within Minutes [print this page]

Loans By Text  Prompt Access  To Cash Within Minutes

Sometimes a usual payday loans does not serve the purpose as monetary requirement is so urgent that it should be fulfilled in that very moment. Loans by text can be explored as an option to ensure cash within minutes of sending of massage for the loan. For borrowing of very smaller amount, these can be called as ideal solutions for the people who earn low income.

But you are eligible to borrow only if you are currently drawing monthly or bi-weekly paycheque. There should also be a bank account in your name and it should be active for at least past three months.

Loans by text should be an option only when you need to borrow cash of not more than 100. You are not required to prove your employment status and all the details that you supply to the lender. A simple registration with a lender is enough to borrow the cash. The lender provides you a number as your identity for taking out a loan. Just as you send SMS to the lender on entering the code number, you are verified for the loan.

The cash is immediately approved in that very moment and the lender wires the amount in your account number in a bank. The cash is approved usually for one to two weeks. Repayment of the loan is even easier as the lender automatically gets back the interest and loan amount on the due date from your account.

Do not worry about your bad credit history while taking out loans by text. You are not enquired about your past payment defaults, CCJs and late payments. You will not also be subjected to any credit checks for fast approval of the cash.

But a downside of these loans is high APR. You should borrow the cash only after extensive comparing of the loans by text. Settle for the lender whose interest rates are little lower to avoid high interest payments on next payday.

by: Fiona Parker

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